
Have you ever felt you are living in a shift?

I think the shift is what lies between the seasons. The edge of an era. I’ve been on this edge for awhile, only now able to admit it. I’m in the shift. The leaves are changing and thus so the season has too.

After Rocco was born I couldn’t say,

“I’m done.” “This is our last.” “I only want four.” I couldn’t say those things after any of my children. I never in a million years thought I’d have four; but in just as many years I could also never have told you how many kids I wanted. I just never knew. But this shift is pushing me off the edge into the next season of parenting, and I think I’m feeling the official “I’m done” with the baby season. And that is just it . . . I never wanted to say, “I’m done.” Done is for cookies ready to come out of the oven. Done is for homework that is ready to be turned in. Done is for when you’ve had enough. And for some reason I could never say “done” or that I have had enough when it comes to babies.

When friends would ask me if I wanted another child, I’d answer, “I want another baby, but I can’t handle another child.” Now I’m beginning to believe that I could not handle another baby, either. I know my heart could always make room, but my hands are full.

It’s hard to end a season. An era. I’m not a fan of ends. I’ve talked myself into believing they are beginnings. The truth is, they are. I am, now, at the beginning of having all my kids in school.

Maybe you are at the beginning of being a mother? You are at the start of sippy cups, and natural diapers, darling cribs, and baby gear. Perhaps you are pregnant and trying to decide which Baby Jogger stroller you want (I’m coming to terms with being ready to sell mine).  Maybe you’ve got a toddler in tow and you are looking for blocks to build with before nap time?

You are at some sort of beginning. You and I.

While it’s time for me to think about sorting through baby items in my basement, I thought I’d sort through some of my favorite items from The Baby Cubby for all of you that are at your beginning or in the middle of that sweet season, that endearing era.

I may have to pack up my things, but I’ll always be good at picking out must haves (items that kept me sane during that season) and sharing favorites with others.

Here are a few I’d love to share with you

1 / Little Unicorn Brookside Tote Diaper Bag – A good bag is essential. I never wanted a bag that looked like diaper bag. However, when I would just regular bags the inside wasn’t what I needed. I love that this diaper bag looks like a stylish tote, but has all the necessary compartments (also…it’s vegan leather).

2/ Boon Drying Rack – I had this and loved it. I liked to hand wash bottles and little baby items and this was perfect for drying out and keeping baby items in one place.

3 / Oeuf Sparrow Crib  – There is nothing quite as fun as decorating a nursery, especially if it is your first baby. I’ve loved this modern crib for a long time. Investing in a quality crib with your first is worth it. All four of mine used the same crib.

4 / Aden + Anais Swaddle Blanket  – These are the best swaddling blankets. I used them on my last two and I buy them for all my friends who have a new baby.

5/ Petit Collage Wooden Push Toy – Sweet wooden toys are so nostalgic. The little ones really love them and they look pretty sitting out too.

6 / Baby Jogger City Select Stroller – Another favorite of mine. A good stroller is like a good car. It goes the distance. Baby Jogger was always my favorite (I’m having a hard time parting with mine, even though we don’t need it anymore).

7/ Boon Glo Night Light – These look like the coolest night lights ever. I want to get them for my five and six year old.

8 / nostalgic Tub – Another item I wish I would have had. I love the concept of this baby bath.

Did you find it hard to leave the baby season? To say you were done? To enter fully into the next era?

And, what were some of your favorite items during that time or ones that you love to recommend or give to friends?

If you are new to The Baby Cubby they are an amazing online baby shop that goes beyond a store to be a source through the amazing journey of parenthood.

Some things I love about The Baby Cubby:

– They always price match, even amazon, so you know you’re getting a great deal

– They carry only the best and safest gear so you can shop confidently (they spend hundreds of hours researching so you don’t have to)

– Free Shipping everyday at BabyCubby.com over $49

If you are browsing baby stuff, if you’re stepping into this season check out The Baby Cubby.

This essay is in collaboration with The Baby Cubby. I love sharing brands and products that I know you will love just as much as I do.

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