
do your walls wear anything?  i mean besides the regular family photo collage or colored can of paint?  i’m always looking for creative ways to update and dress up my walls.

one trend that comes and goes, but seems to always stick around in the likes of my designy mind, is wallpaper.   i think there is nothing better than a beautiful pattern on repeat covering wall space.  have you noticed how papered walls have been popularized, again, over the last few years?  i’m pretty sure this trend is sticking around.  these days the options are absolutely endless.  patterns come in a variety of styles, from delicate and intricate, all the way to modern and bold.  while wallpaper used to work best in dining rooms and bathrooms there are no longer any constraints or confinements when it comes to where to put the paper.  i love the idea of using wallpaper to accent a wall, cocoon a long hallway or make a children’s room more magical.

i’ve long wanted to line our very long hallway with some sort of tree wallaper to conjure up the notion of walking an enchanted forrest.

and, lately i’ve even been thinking beyond wallpaper to murals, which are certainly trending at the moment.  growing up, our basement had a wall covered with a mural of mexico city (the previous owners loved travel and the whole basement had a mexico theme.  think red and black shag carpet to get the complete vision).  it was something.  eventually, it got painted over,  however,  i’m secretly wishing it was still down there, giving my kids a peek at both mexico city and 1985.  flash forward to 2014 and murals, surely, have come a long way.  they are sleek, modern and illustrated.  one major plus is that you can create a more individualized look.  in fact, there are even options where you can create your own custom wallpaper mural with a favorite photo you’ve taken.  how fun would that be? murals always feel like a giant storybook page that invites you right into it’s fairytale.  i think that is why i like them so much.  and, anyways, i’d like my walls to talk and tell stories.  wouldn’t you?

tell me do you have wallpaper or a mural in your home?  i’m hoping to incorporate one or the other in the near future.

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