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LDA City Lahore, File 5 Marla For 9 Lacs, Call +923334177738, Or +923224003475,
LDA City Lahore, File 10 Marla For 15 Lacs, Call +923334177738, Or +923224003475,
LDA City Lahore, File 1 Kanal For 25 Lacs, Call +923334177738, Or +923224003475,
DHA Lahore Phase 9, File 5 Marla For 17 Lacs, Call +923224009766, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9, File 10 Marla For 33.15 Lacs, Call +923224009766, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9, File 1 Kanal For 46.50 Lacs, Call +923224009766, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Extension, File 5 Marla For 14.50 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Extension, File 10 Marla For 24 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Extension, File 1 Kanal For 36 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 6 Proper, File 1 Kanal For 90 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Proper, File 10 Marla For 39 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Proper, File 1 Kanal For 61 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Non Z Block, File 1 Kanal For 88 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block, File 5 Marla For 20 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block, 10 Marla For 30 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block, File 1 Kanal For 53.25 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA EME Phase 2 (DHA City Lahore), File 5 Marla For 12.6 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA EME Phase 2 (DHA City Lahore), File 10 Marla For 21.5 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA EME Phase 2 (DHA City Lahore), File 1 Kanal For 38 Lacs, Call +923024489001, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 6 Commercial Plots, File 8 Marla For 400 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Commercial Plots, File 4 Marla For 170 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Commercial Plots, File 8 Marla For 257 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009766,
DHA 8 Broadway C-Block Commercial, File 4 Marla For 190 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009967,
, File 8 Marla For 292 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009967,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Commercial Plots, File 4 Marla For 170 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009766,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Commercial Plots, File 8 Marla For 267 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923004009766,
DHA Town Ph 9 Lahore Commercial, File 4 Marla For 213 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923224009766,
DHA Town Ph 9 Lahore Commercial, File 8 Marla For 340 Lacs, Call +923224009967, Or +923224009766,
(Please Note: These rates are only valid at the PK time of this post, mentioned above. File rates vary throughout the day, and are subject to change according to market conditions i.e.Supply and Demand at that particular time. Sometimes file prices can move by 50 To 100 thousand in less than an hour. To Buy/Sell or to check current rates please call:03224009766 Or 03004009766)
DHA Lahore Phase 1-2-3-4 Plots 10 Marla 110 To 130 Lacs 1 Kanal 135 To 225 Lacs, Call +923334177723,
DHA Lahore Phase 5 With M Block Plots 10 M 115 To 140 Lacs 1 Kanal 90 To 230 Lacs, Call +923334177723,
DHA Lahore Phase 6 Plots 5 Marla 48 To 53 Lacs 10M 85 To115 & 1 K 110 To 170 Lacs, Call +923028449766,
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Plots 10 Marla 45 To 57 Lacs 1 Kanal 70 To 115 Lacs, Call +923028449766,
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Plots 10 Marla 55 To 65 Lacs 1 Kanal 80 To 150 Lacs, 03224333661 & 03028409967,
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Town Plots 5 Marla 31 To 42 Lacs 10 Marla 68 To 75 Lacs, Call +923024489001,
DHA Lahore Phase 11 Halloki Gardens Plots 5 Marla 18 To 26 Lacs 8 Marla 27 To 35 Lacs, Call +923334177738,
DHA Air Avenue Lahore, Plots 10 Marla 58 To 75 Lacs 1 Kanal 90 To 135 Lacs Call +923334177723,
DHA Parkview Lahore, Plots 10 Marla 72 To 82 Lacs 1 Kanal 100 To 140 Lacs, Call +923334177723,
DHA Lahroe Commercial Plots 4 Marla 170 To 650 Lacs 8 Marla 275 To 1500 Lacs Call +923224009967,
DHA Lahore Phase 1 To 6 Houses Houses 10 Marla 125 To 185 Lacs 1 Kanal 175 To 350 Call +923224892770,
DHA Rahbar Lahore Plots 5 Marla 17 To 27 Lacs 10 Marla 45 To 55 Lacs, Call +923334177738,
Bahria Town Lahore Sector A B C D E F Plots 10 Marla 45 to 55 Lacs 1 Kanal 80 To 100 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Bahria Orchard Lahore Plots 5 Marla 14 To 18 Lacs 10 Marla 26 To 35 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Bahria Nasheman Lahore, Plots 5 Marla 22 To 26 Lacs 8 Marla 32 To 34 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Bahria Town Lahore Villas 7 Houses, Houses 5 Marla 65 To 70 Lacs 10 Marla 115 To 140 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Bahria Town Lahore Commercial, Plots 5 Marla 275 To 450 Lacs 8 Marla 450 To 550 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Eden City Lahore, Plots 10 Marla 50 To 70 Lacs 1 Kanal 75 To 115 Lacs, Call +923334177723,
Central Park Lahore, Plots 10 Marla 22 To 28 Lacs 1 Kanal 32 To 42 Lacs, Call +923334177738,
Fazaia Lahore, Plots 10 Marla 30 To 38 Lacs 1 Kanal 45 To 65 Lacs, Call +923334177738,
NFC Phase 2 Lahore, Plots 5 Marla 10 To 13 Lacs 10 Marla 18 To 24 & 1 Kanal 30 To 45 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Park View Villas Multan Road Lahore, Plots 5 Marla 23 To 28 Lacs 10 Marla 35 To 45 Lacs, Call +923224009766,
Lake City Lahore, Plots 5 Marla 15 To 20 Lacs 10 Marla 30 To 35 & 1Kanal 46 To 65 Lacs, Call +923028409967,
State Life Lahore Phase 1, Plots 5 Marla 35 To 40 Lacs 10 Marla 40 To 52 & 1 Kanal 55 to 80 Lacs, Call +923224333661,
State Life Lahore Phase 2, Plots 5 Marla 9 To 11 Lacs 10 Marla 14 To 16 & 1Kanal 19 To 33 Lacs, Call +923224333661,
[All Maps Available @ http://www.LahorePakistan.Net/ ]
Rates You Can Trust Are Provided By:
Lahore Real Estate Pvt Ltd Is Registered/Authorized Dealer (DHA Lahore, DHA City Lahore, State Life Lahore, Divine Developers, Bahria Town, Urban Developers, Park View Villas Multan Road And Many Others). We Are Dealers Of Property Dealers And Serve Large And Small Clients With Same Honesty And Hard Work. Please Note Lahore Real Estate Has Only One Office At 98-Y Commercial, DHA Phase 3 Lahore In Front Of DHA Head Office And Don’T Have Any Affiliations Or Branch Offices. LahoreRealEstate.Com Is The Most Visited Lahore Property Website For Last 9 Year In A Row (2004 To 2012). Beware Of Some Fraudsters & Copycats Estates Trying To Use Our Name Or Look Alike Web Sites & Email Addresses Etc. If They Are Cheating Our Hard Work Shamelessly Be Sure They Will Not Hesitate To Cheat You Too.
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Lahore Real Estate
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Tags : DHA Lahore, Bahria Town, DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block, DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Prices, DHA City Lahore, DHA EME Phase 2, DHA EME Phase 2 Prices, DHA EME Phase 2 Rates, DHA City Lahore Prices, DHA Lahore Commercial File, DHA Lahore Commercial Plot File, DHA Commercial Broadway, DHA Lahore Commercial Broadway, DHA Commercial Broadway Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 11,DHA Lahore Phase 11 Prices, DHA Lahore Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 9 Extension, DHA Lahore Phase 9 Extension prices, Bahria Town Lahore Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Sector A, Bahria Town Lahore Sector B, Bahria Town Lahore Sector D, Bahria Town Lahore Sector E, Bahria Town Lahore Sector F, LDA City Lahore, LDA City Lahore Prices, LDA City Lahore |Files For Sale, LDA City Lahore Rates, DHA Lahore Phase 1, DHA Lahore Phase 2, DHA Lahore Phase 3,DHA Lahore Phase 4,DHA Lahore Phase 5,DHA Lahore Phase 6,DHA Lahore Phase 7,DHA Lahore Phase 8,DHA Lahore Phase 9, DHA City Lahore, DHA Lahore Files, DHA Islamabad Phase 2 Extension, DHA Rahbar Lahore Phase 1, DHA Rahbar Phase 2, Central Park Lahore, Fazaia Lahore, NFC Lahore Phase 1, NFC Lahore Phase 2, Parkview Villas Lahore, Lake City Lahore, State Life Lahore, Valencia Lahore, Wapda Lahore, Lahore Real Estate Estate, Lahore Properties, Lahore Property, Bahria Town Lahore, DHA Lahore, Bahria Nasheman Lahore, Bahria Orchard Lahore, DHA Lahore Commercial Plots, Bahria Town Lahore Commercial Plots, Bahria Town Lahore Safari Villas Lahore, Bahria Town Lahore Sector A Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Sector B Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Sector D Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Sector E Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Sector F Prices DHA Lahore Phase 1 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 2 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 3 Prices,DHA Lahore Phase 4 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 5 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 6 Prices,DHA Lahore Phase 7 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 8 Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 9 Prices, DHA City Lahore Prices, DHA Lahore Files Prices, DHA Lahore Phase 7 Commercial File, DHA Lahore Phase 9 Commercial File, DHA Lahore Commercial Broadway Files DHA Rahbar Lahore Phase 1 Prices, DHA Rahbar Phase 2 Prices, Central Park Lahore Prices, Fazaia Lahore Prices, NFC Lahore Phase 1 Prices, NFC Lahore Phase 2 Prices, Parkview Villas Lahore Prices, Lake City Lahore Prices, State Life Lahore Prices, Valencia Lahore Prices, Wapda Lahore Prices, Lahore Real Estate Estate Prices, Lahore Properties Prices, Lahore Property Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Prices, DHA Lahore Prices, Bahria Nasheman Lahore Prices, Bahria Orchard Lahore Prices, DHA Lahore Commercial Plots Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Commercial Plots Prices, Bahria Town Lahore Safari Villas Lahore Prices, Lahore Maps, LahoreRealEstate.Com, LahorePakistan.Net , DHALahore.Net
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