Shap Show Spotlights Student Talent
Math teacher and concert organizer Gary Shapiro.
Tickets are now on sale for the 26th No Suits Allowed concert, which returns to the LBHS Artists’ Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 8, for the annual senior fundraiser, benefiting a safe and sober graduation night.
Every winter, Gary Shapiro, an upper level high school math teacher, presents a memorable evening of musical entertainment in his namesake show featuring talented LBHS students and other special guest performers. This “not to be missed” concert showcases the considerable talent on campus.
This year’s 7:30 p.m. show features nearly 30 songs, including a wide range of contemporary and classic pop hits, each sung by a student with Shapiro accompanying them on the guitar.
“I’ve enjoyed playing in front of an audience for a long time, but putting this show together with the students is always very special,” said Shapiro, who began performing in coffee houses after college and now appears every summer at the Sawdust Art Festival.
“These talented kids have taught me so much and each year help to expand my musical horizons. I now have songs in my own repertoire that I would not have even heard without them,” he said.
Tickets are being sold on the website by clicking on the Grad Night Flyer on the left of the screen, below FOR SENIORS, then clicking on Shap Show, which will direct you to a PayPal Buy Now tab. The Artists’ Theatre Box Office will be open the day of the show at 4 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for students, $15 for adults, $30 in a reserved section and $65 for a pre show dinner and reserved section seat event at the Lumberyard restaurant, 384 Forest Ave.
For further information contact Kathleen Moore at
Calling All Seniors
Photo: Scholarships are awarded in June at an honors convocation.
The application process for the Laguna Beach High School Scholarship Foundation is open and 133 scholarships are up for grabs.
Key scholarship categories include, but aren’t limited to: academic achievement, performing and visual arts, athletics, career emphasis, community college, vocational and trade schools, community involvement, citizenship, humor, leadership, personal courage, uniqueness, writing and journalism, said a statement from Kathy McKeown, a foundation supporter.
The application deadline of Jan. 31 is approaching, but the process is fully automated and student can apply at the website . Supplemental applications, transcript requests and references are due March 3 and 4.
Raising the Bar for Future Student Success
Sherine Smith
Sherine Smith, superintendent of Laguna Beach schools, is one of seven panelists taking part in College and Career Readiness and Success: How Orange County Can Lead the Nation, a county Department of Education event Monday, Jan. 27.
The 2:30 – 5:30 p.m. program at the Irvine Marriott, 18000 Von Karmen Ave., focuses on how to equip students to succeed in college and in careers and how business and higher education can collaborate with schools to raise the level of student success.
The event will include a panel discussion with educational and business leaders, moderated by Al Mijares, county superintendent of schools. The keynote speaker is David Conley, an author and national leader on college and career readiness.
To register, visit
Learn English and Make Friends
The school district offers free English as a Second Language classes that begin Tuesday, Jan. 28.
All adults of all levels are welcome at the class, held Monday through Thursday, from 5:30-8:30 p.m., and taught by Melissa Hexter.
Classes meet in Room 90 across the street from Laguna Beach High School, 760 Park Ave., behind the swimming pool. Register in the classroom.
For more information call (949) 497-7700 extension 5220.
Exhibit Entices With Yucky Stuff
A hands-on exhibit, Animal Grossology, opens at Santa Ana’s Discovery Science Center, 2500 N. Main St., on Saturday, Jan. 25. The exhibit is based the popular series of books by Sylvia Branzei, “Grossology.”
Guests of all ages can have a fun and enjoyable experience around things that are often described as “gross.”
“Kids can laugh at silly games like ‘Dung Ball Rally,’ while learning about how dung beetles really help the environment,” says Janet Yamaguchi, vice president of education for Discovery Science Center.
Purchase tickets at the science center or online at Adults, $15.95; seniors, $12.95; and children 3-14, $12.95.
The post Class Notes appeared first on Laguna Beach Independent Newspaper, The "Indy" - Laguna Beach News.