
Yesterday Danny had “crispy pig face” at a restaurant in Fremont. We’re talking about you, Le Petit Cochon! The proprietor of this establishment was heavily tattooed, but not with food tattoos, which we think are dumb, like radio guys who have radio-related tattoos. We’re looking at you, Gibbons! Although Gibbons isn’t here right now because he’s making a Starbucks run. One of the construction guys across the street was very nice and gave us a Starbucks gift card. We’re drinking to you, Jim! Will reports that his new lady friend told him he smelled nice, and actually asked if he was wearing Axe Body Spray. Ew! Who would wear Axe Body Spray! We’re smelling at you, Doochman! Gibbons took his kid sister on the dead celebrity tour of Seattle yesterday, including the Jimi Hendrix statue, Bruce Lee’s grave and Kurt Cobain’s house. Gibbons reports his sister is very pretty and has a thing for gingers. We’re looking out for you, Amy Bonaduce!

Sarah reminds us that “Godzilla” is opening today, and we agree that Godzilla is a landmark fictional monster. Sarah asks Mike Jones for his pick for best fictional monster, and we learn he likes Monster Zero, the three-headed dragon from outer space who took on both Godzilla and Rodan and won. Danny points to Wolverine, for his savagery and healing power. Sarah was traumatized by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. What would you say is the best fictional monster?

Danny Bonaduce, Life Coach, helps a woman whose longtime best friend lied to her about having breast cancer and wonders if she can forgive her.

We discussed earlier this week the remarkable video of the cat that saved a little boy from a dog. We’ve all had pets that did unusual things. When he was a boy, Will had a golden retriever who pulled a snake away from him. Sarah used to have a dog that stole the neighbor’s underwear. Have you ever had a pet do something outrageous?

All this, and the game that’s sweeping the nation, Where Has Sarah’s Beaver Been, on today’s Danny Bonaduce Show.

May 16th: 6:00 am

The Danny Bonaduce and Sarah Morning Show


May 16th: 7:00 am

The Danny Bonaduce and Sarah Morning Show


May 16th: 8:00 am

The Danny Bonaduce and Sarah Morning Show


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