
Starbuck’s has left 2016 with a fancy line of tuxedo beverages and is starting 2017 with new egg bites and a new latte!

According to Foodbeast, Sous Vide Egg Bites is coming to 10 local Starbucks!  Sous vide is a technique where vacuum-sealed food is cooked in a water bath at a precise temperature. These Sous Vide Egg Bites come in two flavors: Bacon Gruyere or Egg White and Roasted Red Pepper. These delicious egg bites can be bought as soon as January 10, 2017!

Their new latte, Cascara Latte is made of Cascara syrup that combines coffee cherry extract with coconut and cane sugars. The latte is then layered  with Starbuck’s espresso to add a hint of dark brown sugar and maple.

Starbucks is getting really fancy this year, wouldn’t you agree?

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