
I had fun looking back at the year just past on my blog and finding some of my favorite coffee breaks to share in this week's Homeschool Review Crew round-up, Reflecting on 2016.

Homeschooling High School - Graduation and Beyond! from January 6, 2016

For this last installment of the Homeschooling High School Blog Hop we're discussing graduation and questions about how we mark the occasion and how we know our student is ready to graduate. Are they ever ready - really? Are we as parents ever ready?  In just a few short months, a third student will be graduating from our homeschool, so I'm definitely asking myself these questions!

Naturally Organized - Not! from February 2, 2016

There's a popular rumor that homeschool moms are super-organized. Sure, some of us are, but I'm among those for whom organization does not come naturally. I can't live up to that particular homeschool myth, and it's a constant challenge to keep track of where the books are, and whether I graded that paper or not, and when the deadline is to register for that online course, and so it goes. I've given up on having my desk and bookshelves always beautifully organized, and focus on keeping things functional.
Here are a few tips for homeschool organization, for the Not Naturally Organized moms like me.

An Extraordinary Adventure with Alfred the Great from March 2, 2016 (This is one of the many reviews we completed for the Homeschool Review Crew, and one of our favorites for the year)

It's time for another extraordinary audio adventure from Heirloom Audio Productions! We've been eagerly anticipating the release of their newest audio drama, and were delighted to have the chance to review The Dragon and the Raven.

Worldview and Why It Matters from April 13, 2016

When discussing the reasons we homeschool, the fact that we can teach from a Biblical worldview almost always comes up as a benefit. I'm sure that it sometimes raises a couple of questions that many Christians leave unasked, and that many of us can't answer - what exactly IS worldview and why does it matter? And what makes a worldview Biblical? Don't all Christians have a Biblical worldview?

5 Tips for Finding What Works in Your Homeschool (From Things That Didn't Work in Mine) from May 24, 2016

One thing I've learned after many years of homeschooling with a mix of curricula, and a few years of reviewing educational products, is that just because a curriculum or resource is great doesn't necessarily make it a great fit for our family. . . I thought I'd pass on some of the lessons I've learned about how to choose well for your family.

Canada Day 2016 from June 29, 2016

Canada Day is celebrated on July 1st every year, and since it's just a couple of days away, I decided to share a few Canada Day facts.

Our Favorite Maryland Field Trips from July 6, 2016

I've compiled a list of some of the great field trips in our home state of Maryland that we've enjoyed, . . . I really think we need to make an effort to visit some of these places again - soon!

The Summer of Landon - A Baseball Photojournal from August 31, 2016

Last week we were on vacation. And not just any vacation, but the long anticipated Summer of Landon vacation! When our kids graduate high school, we like to let them have a big say in choosing our summer vacation. (See my post The Summer of Landon for the background.)

Virtual Refrigerator - A New Spin On Art from September 15, 2016 (Just one of the posts from the weekly art link-up that I co-host, the Virtual Refrigerator)

Earlier this summer, Kennady was intrigued by a collection of vintage records at a yard sale. And when I say "vintage" I am referring to 78s! She had some ideas about using a couple of them for decor in her room, and it also occurred to us that they might be something we could resell. Eventually we bought the whole box-ful of records for a very low price. (I could say "for a song"!) Over the past several weeks, Kennady has been experimenting in using the records as a canvas for artwork.

Homeschool Highlights - Launch Day! from October 14, 2016 (I started this link-up for homeschoolers to share their weekly summary posts or other highlights from their homeschool. Please join in each Friday for Homeschool Highlights!)

Welcome to Homeschool Highlights! This weekly link-up is your opportunity to share some highlights of what is happening in your homeschool and in your world each week. . . I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope this will be a source of encouragement and good ideas for all of us.

Virtual Refrigerator - Wreath and Retablo for the Holidays from November 10, 2016

For my fridge this week, I've pulled out a couple of projects from the archives to share with you, and this post will be included in a Homeschool Review Crew round-up of Hands On for the Holidays ideas for crafts, recipes, activities, and more.

Holiday Sweets and Treats from December 7, 2016

Want to know what some of our favorite holidays cookies and treats are? Here's a round-up of some of our most loved holiday recipes, and many of them are perfectly suitable for any time you crave a sweet treat.
I also participated in the two 5-Day Blog Hops hosted by the Homeschool Review Crew; and the 2016 Virtual Curriculum Fair. I also wrote for The Homeschool Post this year.

5 Days of Homeschool 101

5 Days of Tips for Homeschool Parents - A Cup of Coffee and a Word of Advice

Virtual Curriculum Fair

As you can see, my blog covered a lot of topics - homeschool and other things too. Is there anything you'd like me to write about this year? What questions do you have about homeschooling? Leave them in the comments, or make suggestions about subjects you'd like to see me write about, and I will do my best!
Believe it or not, 2016 held quite a few other memorable moments outside of my blog and homeschooling! Well, one was directly related to homeschooling - our third son, Landon, graduated from our homeschool in June. He had enough credits to graduate a year early, and he's been working for a contractor since the summer, learning many aspects of the construction trade. (Lots of grad related stuff on the blog HERE.)

In October, our oldest son, Harrison, married his long-time girlfriend, Angela, so we gained a beautiful daughter-in-law. And on November 1st, they welcomed their baby girl, Veronica Scarlett, so we gained a precious new granddaughter! Small as she is, Veronica has quickly become the biggest star of the family, and has her Nonnie and Poppie wrapped around her tiny finger.

Personally, I'm excited about a new job I started just before Christmas, at a coffee roastery. How perfect, right?! I plan on sharing more about that in the days to come.

This post is linked to the Reflecting on 2016 Round-up on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.

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