
"The Holistic Prevention, Management of PCOs analysed through Conventional Medicine Research and Studies" provides you the accurate information of the use of natural sources to prevent, management and treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, because all presentations are proven through convention research and studies found in PubMed. This is the second time, a research paper have been written this way to general public that you will not find any where in the net. We would like to provide more of this kind the research, but unfortunately, it is time consuming and burden financially, we have run out of time and the site will be shut down Monday(July 6, 2015). If you like what you read, please donate generously to our site.
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Kyle J. Norton

The references page of 700 -1499

(700) Unexplained infertility and ovulatory induction with menopausal gonadotropins by Leanza V1, Coco L, Grasso F, Leanza G, Zarbo G, Palumbo M.(PubMed)

(701) Ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate for infertile couple by Leanza V1, Coco L, Grasso F, Leanza G, Zarbo G, Palumbo M.(PubMed)

(702) Patient-specific predictions of outcome after gonadotropin ovulation induction/intrauterine insemination by Goldman RH1, Batsis M2, Petrozza JC3, Souter I3.(PubMed)

(703) A case of severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome after gonadotropin therapy by Moneta E, Garcea N, Scirpa P, Mango D.(PubMed)

(704) [Effect of domestic highly purified urinary follicle stimulating hormone on outcomes of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer in controlled ovarian stimulation].[Article in Chinese] by Ye H1, Huang GN, Cao YX, Zhong Y, Huang YH, Zhu GJ, Zhou LM, Chen ZJ, Shi JZ, Zeng Y, Weng N, Huang XF, Yang J, Zhu YM, Li YP, Yi D, Zhuang GL.(PubMed)

(705) Hemodynamic state and the role of angiotensin II in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in the rabbit by Teruel MJ1, Carbonell LF, Llanos MC, Parrilla JJ, Abad L, Hernandez I.(PubMed)

(706) Two cases of ovarian tumours in women who had undergone multiple ovarian stimulation attempts by Grimbizis G1, Tarlatzis BC, Bontis J, Miliaras D, Lagos S, Pournaropoulos F, Mantalenakis S.(PubMed)

(707) Ovarian cancer after successful ovulation induction: a case report by Hull ME1, Kriner M, Schneider E, Maiman M.(PubMed)

(708) Fertility drug: Gonadotropins(Baby center)

(709) Dexamethasone in unexplained infertility by Moradan S1, Ghorbani R.(PubMed)

(710) [Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiencies and female infertility: pathophysiology and management].

[Article in French] by Robin G1, Decanter C2, Baffet H3, Catteau-Jonard S2, Dewailly D2.(PubMed)

(711) The effect of dexamethasone on disruption of ovarian steroid levels and receptors in female rats by Illera JC1, Silván G, Martínez MM, Blass A, Peña L.(PubMed)

(712) Dexamethasone(Rxlist, the internet drug index)

(713) Dexamethasone use during pregnancy: potential adverse effects on embryonic skeletogenesis by Cheng X, Wang G, Lee KK, Yang X1.(PubMed)

(714) Pregnancy outcomes after laparoscopic ovarian drilling in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome by Al-Ojaimi EH1.(PubMed)

(715) Laparoscopic ovarian drilling: An alternative but not the ultimate in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome by Mitra S1, Nayak PK1, Agrawal S1.(PubMed)

(716) Long-term clinical effects of ovarian wedge resection in polycystic ovarian syndrome by Hjortrup A, Kehlet H, Lockwood K, Hasner E.(PubMed)

(717) Ovarian wedge resection by minilaparatomy in infertile patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a new technique by Yildirim M1, Noyan V, Bulent Tiras M, Yildiz A, Guner H.(PubMed)

(718) Effects of an oral contraceptive containing estradiol valerate and dienogest on circulating androgen levels and acne in young patients with PCOS: an observational preliminary study by Di Carlo C1, Gargano V, Sparice S, Tommaselli GA, Bifulco G, Nappi C.(PubMed)

(719) Comparison of the effects of chlormadinone acetate versus drospirenone containing oral contraceptives on metabolic and hormonal parameters in women with PCOS for a period of two-year follow-up by Yildizhan R1, Gokce AI, Yildizhan B, Cim N.(PubMed)

(720) Effect of oral contraceptive containing ethinyl estradiol combined with drospirenone vs. desogestrel on clinical and biochemical parameters in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome by Kriplani A1, Periyasamy AJ, Agarwal N, Kulshrestha V, Kumar A, Ammini AC.(PubMed)

(721) Ethinylestradiol/Chlormadinone acetate for use in dermatological disorders by Gómez Vázquez M1, Navarra Amayuelas R, Lamarca M, Baquedano L, Romero Ruiz S, Vilar-Checa E, Iniesta MD.(PubMed)

(722) Comparative analysis of the effects of nomegestrol acetate/17 β-estradiol and drospirenone/ethinylestradiol on premenstrual and menstrual symptoms and dysmenorrhea by Witjes H1, Creinin MD, Sundström-Poromaa I, Martin Nguyen A, Korver T.(PubMed)

(723) Oral contraceptive use and risk of breast, cervical, colorectal, and endometrial cancers: a systematic review by Gierisch JM1, Coeytaux RR, Urrutia RP, Havrilesky LJ, Moorman PG, Lowery WJ, Dinan M, McBroom AJ, Hasselblad V, Sanders GD, Myers ER.(PubMed)

(724) [The risk of breast cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer in oral contraceptive users].[Article in Serbian] by Veljković M1, Veljković S.(PubMed)

(725) Oral contraceptive type and functional ovarian cysts by Lanes SF1, Birmann B, Walker AM, Singer S.(PubMed)

(726) Prospective measurement of blood pressure and heart rate over 24 h in women using combined oral contraceptives with estradiol by Grandi G1, Xholli A1, Napolitano A1, Piacenti I1, Bellafronte M1, Cagnacci A2.(PubMed)

(727) Correlation of age at oral contraceptive pill start with age at breast cancer diagnosis by Imkampe AK1, Bates T.(PubMed)

(728) Cerebral vein thrombosis in women using short course oral contraceptive consumption by Sasannejad P1, Mellat Ardekani A2, Velayati A1, Shoeibi A1, Saeidi M1, Foroughipour M1,Azarpazhooh MR1.(PubMed)

(729) Phase 3 study of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol combined oral contraceptive for pregnancy prevention by Kroll R1, Howard B, Hsieh J, Ricciotti N.(PubMed)

(730)Oral contraceptives use and weight gain in women with a Central European life-style by Lech MM1, Ostrowska L.(PubMed)

(731) Weight and body composition changes during oral contraceptive use in obese and normal weight women by Mayeda ER1, Torgal AH, Westhoff CL.(PubMed)

(732) An exploratory analysis of associations between eating disordered symptoms, perceived weight changes, and oral contraceptive discontinuation among young minority women by Hall KS1, White KO, Rickert VI, Reame NK, Westhoff CL.(PubMed)

(733) [Treatment of PCOS without IVF: weight loss, insulin-sensitizing agents].[Article in French] by Pugeat M1.(PubMed)

(734) A 12-week treatment with the long-acting glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist liraglutide leads to significant weight loss in a subset of obese women with newly diagnosed polycystic ovary syndrome by Jensterle M1, Kravos NA1, Pfeifer M1, Kocjan T1, Janez A1.(PubMed)

(735) Body mass index and gonadotropin hormones (LH & FSH) associate with clinical symptoms among women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Esmaeilzadeh S, Andarieh MG1, Ghadimi R, Delavar MA.(PubMed)

(736) Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome by Naderpoor N1, Shorakae S, Joham A, Boyle J, De Courten B, Teede HJ.(737)

(737) Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan by Teede H1, Deeks A, Moran L.(PubMed)

(738) A retrospective study of the pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcome in overweight versus normal weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome by De Frène V1, Vansteelandt S2, T'Sjoen G3, Gerris J4, Somers S4, Vercruysse L4, De Sutter P4.(PubMed)

(739)  Carbohydrate(CDC)

(740) Effect of simple and complex carbohydrates on plasma non-esterified fatty acids, plasma-sugar, and plasma-insulin during oral carbohydrate tolerance tests by Swan DC, Davidson P, Albrink MJ.(PubMed)

(741) Carbohydrates and health: Not that simple...or that complex. Taking control of your blood sugar and insulin levels may pay off for your heart and overall health by [No authors listed](PubMed)

(742) Protein–DNA interaction(Wikepedia)

(743) Protein in your pregnancy diet(Babycenter)

(744) Energy and protein intake in pregnancy by Kramer MS1, Kakuma R.(PubMed)

(745) Decreased lipases and fatty acid and glycerol transporter could explain reduced fat in diabetic morbidly obese by Ferrer R1, Pardina E, Rossell J, Baena-Fustegueras JA, Lecube A, Balibrea JM, Caubet E, González O, Vilallonga R, Fort JM, Peinado-Onsurbe J.(PubMed)

(746) Fat(Wikipedia)

(747) All fats are not bad: a smart lesson to be learned by Ablin RJ, Jiang WG.(PubMed)

(748) Bad fats, good fats: new insights into diet and health.[No authors listed](PubMed)

(749)  Dietary fats in your pregnancy diet(BabyCenter)

(750) Potatoes, glycemic index, and weight loss in free-living individuals: practical implications by Randolph JM1, Edirisinghe I, Masoni AM, Kappagoda T, Burton-Freeman B.(PubMed)

(751) No difference in body weight decrease between a low-glycemic-index and a high-glycemic-index diet but reduced LDL cholesterol after 10-wk ad libitum intake of the low-glycemic-index diet by Sloth B1, Krog-Mikkelsen I, Flint A, Tetens I, Björck I, Vinoy S, Elmståhl H, Astrup A, Lang V, Raben A.(PubMed)

(752) Chromium and polyphenols from cinnamon improve insulin sensitivity by Anderson RA1.(PubMed)

(753) The potential of cinnamon to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance by Kirkham S1, Akilen R, Sharma S, Tsiami A.(PubMed)

(754) Effect of an energy-restricted, high-protein, low-fat diet relative to a conventional high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet on weight loss, body composition, nutritional status, and markers of cardiovascular health in obese women by Noakes M1, Keogh JB, Foster PR, Clifton PM.(PubMed)

(755) Diet and lifestyle in the prevention of ovulatory disorder infertility by Chavarro JE1, Rich-Edwards JW, Rosner BA, Willett WC.(PubMed)

(756) Beneficial effects of a high-protein, low-glycemic-load hypocaloric diet in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized controlled intervention study by Mehrabani HH1, Salehpour S, Amiri Z, Farahani SJ, Meyer BJ, Tahbaz F.(PubMed)

(757) 30(+) years of exercise in pregnancy by Lotgering FK1.(PubMed)

(758) Effect of a physical exercise program during pregnancy on uteroplacental and fetal blood flow and fetal growth: a randomized controlled trial by de Oliveria Melo AS1, Silva JL, Tavares JS, Barros VO, Leite DF, Amorim MM.(PubMed)

(759) Foods, nutrients or whole diets: effects of targeting fish and LCn3PUFA consumption in a 12mo weight loss trial by Tapsell LC1, Batterham MJ, Charlton KE, Neale EP, Probst YC, O'Shea JE, Thorne RL, Zhang Q, Louie JC.(PubMed)

(760) Inclusion of fish or fish oil in weight-loss diets for young adults: effects on blood lipids by Gunnarsdottir I1, Tomasson H, Kiely M, Martinéz JA, Bandarra NM, Morais MG, Thorsdottir I.(PubMed)

(761)Randomized trial of weight-loss-diets for young adults varying in fish and fish oil content by Thorsdottir I1, Tomasson H, Gunnarsdottir I, Gisladottir E, Kiely M, Parra MD, Bandarra NM, Schaafsma G, Martinéz JA.(PubMed)

(762) Association between mood and diet quality in subjects with metabolic syndrome participating in a behavioural weight-loss programme: A cross-sectional assessment by Perez-Cornago A, Zulet MA, Martinez JA.(PubMed)

(763) #Healthy #Foods - Oats ((Avena sativa) (Health tips for better living and living health)

(764) Oat prevents obesity and abdominal fat distribution, and improves liver function in humans by Chang HC1, Huang CN, Yeh DM, Wang SJ, Peng CH, Wang CJ.(PubMed)

(765) Whole-grain ready-to-eat oat cereal, as part of a dietary program for weight loss, reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in adults with overweight and obesity more than a dietary program including low-fiber control foods by Maki KC1, Beiseigel JM, Jonnalagadda SS, Gugger CK, Reeves MS, Farmer MV, Kaden VN, Rains TM.(PubMed)

(766) Oat-derived beta-glucan significantly improves HDLC and diminishes LDLC and non-HDL cholesterol in overweight individuals with mild hypercholesterolemia, Reyna-Villasmil N1, Bermúdez-Pirela V, Mengual-Moreno E, Arias N, Cano-Ponce C, Leal-Gonzalez E, Souki A, Inglett GE, Israili ZH, Hernández-Hernández R, Valasco M, Arraiz N.(PubMed)

(767) #Healthy #Foods - Seafoods - Salmon (Healthy tips for better living and living health)

(768) Genetically determined body weight loss in mice fed diets containing salmon oil by LeBoeuf RC1, Veldee MS.(PubMed)

(769) Oral salmon calcitonin improves fasting and postprandial glycemic control in lean healthy rats by Feigh M1, Nielsen RH, Hansen C, Henriksen K, Christiansen C, Karsdal MA.(PubMed)

(770) A novel oral form of salmon calcitonin improves glucose homeostasis and reduces body weight in diet-induced obese rats by Feigh M1, Henriksen K, Andreassen KV, Hansen C, Henriksen JE, Beck-Nielsen H, Christiansen C, Karsdal MA.(PubMed)

(771) #Healthy #Foods - Whole Grain - Brown rice or Hulled rice's(Health tips for beter living and living health)

(772) Intake of brown rice lees reduces waist circumference and improves metabolic parameters in type 2 diabetes by Kim TH1, Kim EK, Lee MS, Lee HK, Hwang WS, Choe SJ, Kim TY, Han SJ, Kim HJ, Kim DJ, Lee KW.(PubMed)

(773) Meal replacement with mixed rice is more effective than white rice in weight control, while improving antioxidant enzyme activity in obese women by Kim JY1, Kim JH, Lee da H, Kim SH, Lee SS.(PubMed)

(774) #Healthy #Foods - Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)(Health tips for btter living and living health)

(775) Weight loss and total lipid profile changes in overweight women consuming beef or chicken as the primary protein source by Melanson K1, Gootman J, Myrdal A, Kline G, Rippe JM.(PubMed)

(776) Frequent consumption of selenium-enriched chicken meat by adults causes weight loss and maintains their antioxidant status by Navas-Carretero S1, Cuervo M, Abete I, Zulet MA, Martínez JA.(PubMed)

(777) Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults by Dennis EA1, Dengo AL, Comber DL, Flack KD, Savla J, Davy KP, Davy BM(PubMed)

(778) Pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake in older but not younger subjects by

Van Walleghen EL1, Orr JS, Gentile CL, Davy BM.(PubMed)

(779) Replacing caloric beverages with water or diet beverages for weight loss in adults: main results of the Choose Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) randomized clinical trial by  Tate DF1, Turner-McGrievy G, Lyons E, Stevens J, Erickson K, Polzien K, Diamond M, Wang X, Popkin B.(PubMed)

(780) Influence of a combination of herbs on appetite suppression and weight loss in rats by Talpur NA1, Echard BW, Manohar V, Preuss HG.(PubMed)

(781) [Hepatotoxicity induced by herbs and medicines used to induce weight loss].[Article in Spanish]by Herrera S1, Bruguera M.(PubMed)

(782) A case report of adult lead toxicity following use of Ayurvedic herbal medication by Breeher L1, Gerr F, Fuortes L.(PubMed)

(783) [Chronic lead intoxication associated with Ayurvedic medication].[Article in Dutch] by Kanen BL1, Perenboom RM.(PubMed)

(784) Potential toxicity of caffeine when used as a dietary supplement for weight loss by Pendleton M1, Brown S, Thomas C, Odle B.(PubMed)

(785) Multinutrient supplement containing ephedra and caffeine causes weight loss and improves metabolic risk factors in obese women: a randomized controlled trial by Hackman RM1, Havel PJ, Schwartz HJ, Rutledge JC, Watnik MR, Noceti EM, Stohs SJ, Stern JS, Keen CL.(PubMed)

(786) Ma Huang(Popular Chinese herbs)

(787) Prameha in Ayurveda: correlation with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes mellitus. Part 2--management of Prameha by Sharma H1, Chandola HM.(PubMed)

(788) Effect of herbal Ephedra sinica and Evodia rutaecarpa on body composition and resting metabolic rate: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial in Korean premenopausal women by Kim HJ1, Park JM, Kim JA, Ko BP(PubMed)

(789) The herbal composition GGEx18 from Laminaria japonica, Rheum palmatum, and Ephedra sinica reduces obesity via skeletal muscle AMPK and PPARα by Shin SS1, Park D, Lee HY, Hong Y, Choi J, Oh J, Lee H, Lee HR, Kim MR, Shen ZB, Cui HH, Yoon M.(PubMed) (780) Nut consumption and body weight by Sabaté J.(PubMed)

(780b) Nut consumption and body weight by Sabaté J.(PubMed)(781a) [Hepatotoxicity induced by herbs and medicines used to induce weight loss].[Article in Spanish]by Herrera S1, Bruguera M.(PubMed)

(781b) Pistachio nuts reduce triglycerides and body weight by comparison to refined carbohydrate snack in obese subjects on a 12-week weight loss program by Li Z1, Song R, Nguyen C, Zerlin A, Karp H, Naowamondhol K, Thames G, Gao K, Li L, Tseng CH, Henning SM, Heber(PubMed)

(782b) Impact of peanuts and tree nuts on body weight and healthy weight loss in adults by Mattes RD1, Kris-Etherton PM, Foster GD.(PubMed)

(783b) Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation by Westerterp-Plantenga MS1, Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM.(PubMed)

(784b) The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis by Hursel R1, Viechtbauer W, Westerterp-Plantenga MS.(PubMed)

(785b) Green tea catechin plus caffeine supplementation to a high-protein diet has no additional effect on body weight maintenance after weight loss by Hursel R1, Westerterp-Plantenga MS.(PubMed)

(786b) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, linear dose, crossover study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a green coffee bean extract in overweight subjects by Vinson JA1, Burnham BR, Nagendran MV.(PubMed)

(787b) A weight-loss diet including coffee-derived mannooligosaccharides enhances adipose tissue loss in overweight men but not women, by St-Onge MP1, Salinardi T, Herron-Rubin K, Black RM.(PubMed)

(788b) The use of green coffee extract as a weight loss supplement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials by Onakpoya I1, Terry R, Ernst E.(PubMed)

(789b) [Life-threatening psychosis caused by using sibutramine-contaminated weight-loss coffee].

[Article in Dutch] by Bertholee D1, ter Horst PG, Wieringa A, Smit JP.(PubMed)

(790) [Ephedrine and ephedra in weight loss products and other preparations].[Article in Dutch] by van der Hooft CS1, Stricker BH.(PubMed)

(791) Ginseng, Asian (Panax ginseng) and Ginseng, North America(Popular Chinese Herbs)

(792) Influence of Panax ginseng on obesity and gut microbiota in obese middle-aged Korean women by Song MY1, Kim BS2, Kim H(PubMed)

(793) Lipid metabolic effect of Korean red ginseng extract in mice fed on a high-fat diet by Song YB1, An YR, Kim SJ, Park HW, Jung JW, Kyung JS, Hwang SY, Kim YS.(PubMed)

(794) Popular #Herbs - #Ginger (Zingiber officinale)(Popular Chinese herbs)

(795) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1, Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M.(PubMed)

(796) Eight weeks of supplementation with a multi-ingredient weight loss product enhances body composition, reduces hip and waist girth, and increases energy levels in overweight men and women by Lopez HL1, Ziegenfuss TN, Hofheins JE, Habowski SM, Arent SM, Weir JP, Ferrando AA.(PubMed)

(797) Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of ginger and orlistat on obesity management, pancreatic lipase and liver peroxisomal catalase enzyme in male albino rats by Mahmoud RH1, Elnour WA.(PubMed)

(798) The use of a Cissus quadrangularis formulation in the management of weight loss and metabolic syndrome by Oben J1, Kuate D, Agbor G, Momo C, Talla X.(PubMed)

(799) The use of a Cissus quadrangularis/Irvingia gabonensis combination in the management of weight loss: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. by Oben JE1, Ngondi JL, Momo CN, Agbor GA, Sobgui CS.(PubMed)

(800) The effect of Cissus quadrangularis (CQR-300) and a Cissus formulation (CORE) on obesity and obesity-induced oxidative stress by Oben JE1, Enyegue DM, Fomekong GI, Soukontoua YB, Agbor GA.(PubMed)

(801) An observational study and quantification of the actives in a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus officinalis used for weight reduction by Chrubasik C1, Maier T, Dawid C, Torda T, Schieber A, Hofmann T, Chrubasik S.(PubMed)

(802) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1, Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M(PubMed)

(803) #Healthy #Foods - Vegetables - Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)(health tips for better living and living health)

(804) An observational study and quantification of the actives in a supplement with Sambucus nigra and Asparagus officinalis used for weight reduction by Chrubasik C1, Maier T, Dawid C, Torda T, Schieber A, Hofmann T, Chrubasik S.(PubMed)

(805) Efficacy of 12 weeks supplementation of a botanical extract-based weight loss formula on body weight, body composition and blood chemistry in healthy, overweight subjects--a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial by Opala T1, Rzymski P, Pischel I, Wilczak M, Wozniak J.(PubMed)

(806) A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines used in the treatment of obesity by Hasani-Ranjbar S1, Nayebi N, Larijani B, Abdollahi M.(PubMed)

(807) High-fat feeding increases hepatic vitamin C synthesis and its circulatory mobilization in mice by Tranberg B1, Hansen AK, Lykkesfeldt J.(PubMed)

(808) Zinc, iron and vitamins A, C and e are associated with obesity, inflammation, lipid profile and insulin resistance in mexican school-aged children by García OP1, Ronquillo D, del Carmen Caamaño M, Martínez G, Camacho M, López V, Rosado JL.(PubMed)

(809) Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C status are associated with leptin concentrations and obesity in Mexican women: results from a cross-sectional study by García OP1, Ronquillo D, Caamaño Mdel C, Camacho M, Long KZ, Rosado JL.(PubMed)

(810) Strategies for healthy weight loss: from vitamin C to the glycemic response by Johnston CS.(PubMed)

(811) Mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in obesity(Science direct)

(812) Obesity and body fat distribution induce endothelial dysfunction by oxidative stress: protective effect of vitamin C. by Perticone F1, Ceravolo R, Candigliota M, Ventura G, Iacopino S, Sinopoli F, Mattioli PL.(PubMed)

(813) Phytochemistry and biological activity of Spanish Citrus fruits by Gironés-Vilaplana A1, Moreno DA, García-Viguera C.(PubMed)

(814) Anti-obesity effects of chitosan and psyllium husk with L-ascorbic acid in guinea pigs by Jun SC1, Jung EY, Hong YH, Park Y, Kang Dh, Chang UJ, Suh HJ.(PubMed)

(815) Fatal vitamin C-associated acute renal failure by McHugh GJ, Graber ML, Freebairn RC.(PubMed)

(816) Ascorbic acid overdosing: a risk factor for calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis by Urivetzky M, Kessaris D, Smith AD.(PubMed)

(817) The association of vitamin D status with cardiometabolic risk factors, obesity and puberty in children by Aypak C1, Türedi O, Yüce A.(PubMed)

(818) Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OH-D) in obese adolescents by Garanty-Bogacka B1, Syrenicz M, Goral J, Krupa B, Syrenicz J, Walczak M, Syrenicz A.(PubMed)

(819) Prevalence and Correlates of Suspected Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Chinese American Children by Malespin M1, Sleesman B, Lau A, Wong SS, Cotler SJ.(PubMed)

(820) Vitamin D deficiency & childhood obesity: a tale of two epidemics by Peterson CA, Belenchia AM.(PubMed)

(821) Correcting vitamin D insufficiency improves insulin sensitivity in obese adolescents: a randomized controlled trial by Belenchia AM1, Tosh AK, Hillman LS, Peterson CA.(PubMed)

(822) Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of common obesity by Foss YJ.(PubMed)

(823) Cardiometabolic risk factors related to vitamin d and adiponectin in obese children and adolescents by Kardas F1, Kendirci M, Kurtoglu S.(PubMed)
(824) Pediatric obesity and vitamin D deficiency: a proteomic approach identifies multimeric adiponectin as a key link between these conditions by Walker GE1, Ricotti R2, Roccio M1, Moia S1, Bellone S2, Prodam F2, Bona G2.(PubMed)
(825) Differences in insulin sensitivity, pancreatic beta cell function and circulating adiponectin across glucose tolerance status in Thai obese and non-obese women by Chailurkit LO1, Chanprasertyothin S, Jongjaroenprasert W, Ongphiphadhanakul B.(PubMed)
(826) Differential effects of 1α,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on MCP-1 and adiponectin production in human white adipocytes by Lorente-Cebrián S1, Eriksson A, Dunlop T, Mejhert N, Dahlman I, Aström G, Sjölin E, Wåhlén K, Carlberg C, Laurencikiene J, Hedén P, Arner P, Rydén M.(PubMed)

(827) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A, Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)

PCOs Herbs

(827a) Diet and nutrition in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): pointers for nutritional management by Farshchi H, Rane A, Love A, Kennedy RL(PubMed)

(828) The optimal diet for women with polycystic ovary syndrome? by Marsh K, Brand-Miller J.(PubMed)

(829) A clinical study on the short-term effect of berberine in comparison to metformin on the metabolic characteristics of women with polycystic ovary syndrome by Wei W, Zhao H, Wang A, Sui M, Liang K, Deng H, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Guan Y.(PubMed).

(830) Effect of Korean red ginseng extract in a steroid-induced polycystic ovary murine model by Pak SC, Kim SE, Oh DM, Shim KM, Jeong MJ, Lim SC, Nah SY, Park SH, Kang SS, Moon CJ, Kim JC, Kim SH, Bae CS.(PubMed)

(831) [Effects of ginseng total saponins on nerve growth factor expression in rat with estradiol valerate-induced polycystic ovaries].[Article in Chinese] by Kuang HY, Shao H, Hou LH, Wu XK.(PubMed)

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