
Are you kicking ASS at life? Or is life kicking your ass?

Do you KNOW you’re capable of accomplishing so much MORE, and reaching a much higher level of success in your business and personal life?

Do you feel a bit “stuck” right now? Are you frustrated with how things are, and ready to FINALLY, truly commit yourself 100% to building something meaningful, designing a life you love, and achieving at least 10x more than you have already?

Are you prepared to transform who you are — to improve yourself — to become the best you know you can be, to transform yourself into someone who can reach the success and achieve the goals you really want to achieve?

Are you ready to embrace your true, inherent GREATNESS, and make the year ahead the BEST damn year of your life so far?

Join Cody McKibben for the 3-Month Hero’s Challenge, an exclusive, high-level MasterMind Group and Entrepreneur Collective!

Watch my recent Periscope replay above for my latest updates, what I’ve been going through, and why I’m doing this.

Designed methodically to get you connected with successful mentors, expert help scaling up your business, a take-you-by-the-hand guided framework for personal transformational change, productivity, and business SUCCESS, regular motivation and accountability as you conquer your goals and multiply what you do over the next 90 days and beyond.

I’m Cody — and I’m the founder of ThrillingHeroics.com, planting the seeds of greatness since 2006 with hundreds of motivational, personal development, and entrepreneurship related articles, and the #1 Lifestyle Business training academy on the web, where we have worked with over 650 ambitious young entrepreneurs, helping them build their own web-based, sustainable businesses.

My story and my businesses over the years have been featured in The New York Times, CNN and BBC online, Huffington Post, Fast Company, Business Insider, ABC News and more for the impact our community has had on thousands of people over the last 9 years.

I’ve been fortunate to live in 7 countries across 4 continents, and build an impressive business centered around helping others that provides an exciting, fun lifestyle for my family and I, which I’m incredibly grateful for.

But, recently, even I found myself at the lowest point of my life, feeling utterly overwhelmed by adversity, losing faith in myself and my ability to achieve what I want in this life, and to provide the kind of life I want for my ever-supportive girlfriend and our handsome young son. I realized that I had completely lost sight of my purpose and my unique gifts. And toiling away in isolation only reinforced my negative mindset, to the point where I had very seriously considered throwing in the towel on my business and going back to the “normal” world of employment.

Thank God, I finally realized it was just life’s final and most difficult challenge, testing how COMMITTED I really am to living in alignment with my purpose and creating the things that I have inside me, no matter how difficult it gets forging one’s own path at times.

After starting a discussion with hundreds of my students, friends, and colleagues, I discovered that (of course!) I’m not the only one facing these giant doubts and setbacks. MANY entrepreneurs have a difficult time remaining positive and constantly motivated to chase their dreams.

In fact, within my private community of over 350 active members, I found that 76% of entrepreneurs have definitely experienced what some of us call “entrepreneurial depression” as we go through the CRUCIBLE of building our own businesses and crafting the life we desire.

And almost NOBODY said they hadn’t, with certainty.

And scholarly research has shown similar trends in tech and the startup world.

Shaping the world around you to realize your vision is HARD WORK, especially when mass media constantly rubs the extreme outlier success stories in our faces, and most folks in our circles feel constantly compelled to at least conjure up the image of pure success and CRUSHING it all the time!

We’re living in an echo chamber — a false, constructed reality — that almost entirely ignores the gritty, real struggles that people go through to reach success.

And far too many of us are trying to do it all by ourselves, in isolation.

That’s why I decided to finally do something different — to admit my own mistakes and shortcomings (firstly to myself), to get as creative as I’ve ever been, and find a way to smash down barriers and bring together all the great PEOPLE, knowledge, and resources I have at my fingertips — to truly make full use of the incredible worldwide network I have cultivated over the last decade, our growing community and readership, bringing together skills, wisdom, and resources from all different backgrounds to collaborate and create a groundbreaking support structure to help nurture and empower hungry young entrepreneurs in chasing their dreams.

I am busily working behind the scenes right now to bring together a select handful of my successful friends and colleagues who I respect the most on board to bring to you a transformative 90-day business MasterMind and personal growth program so we can ALL rewire our minds for success, create new, better habits, team up, share, help each other achieve BIGGER things, hold each other accountable, and support each other through the obstacles.

The 3-Month Hero’s Challenge will be a first-of-its-kind elite MasterMind group and partner network designed to empower you become a better version of yourself, to get clear on your purpose and vision and finally truly COMMIT to your biggest, craziest goals, scale up and put the extra polish on your business, get connected with experienced and knowledgeable mentors and a tight community that’s got your back, get more customers, and open up new opportunities you may have never even imagined!

The Struggles We’re ALL Going Through

After speaking at length with several dozen of my students and friends, even some of the MOST successful, this is what I have learned about the REALITY of the hustle — and it’s true for pretty much all of us:

Discipline is HARD when you’re your own boss.

And staying motivated, in good spirits, and with a positive mindset is IMPOSSIBLE to do when it’s just you, all by yourself.

Have you gotten stuck in a loop of thinking “Am I good enough?”, “Will they take me seriously?”, “Am I just pretending to be an entrepreneur?”, “Are my skills just a joke?”

All that sort of negative thinking does is hold you back.

Do you feel like you’ve strayed from your real passion? Like, there’s no money in your REAL passion, in your art, your craft, that one thing you really LOVE the most, that you always kind of dreamed about doing when you were younger — so you did the “sensible” thing, the responsible thing, and you went in another direction? Something that uses similar skills, but it just doesn’t light you up inside the same, your heart isn’t REALLY in it?

Well… that crazy idea, that “dream” — THAT’S what you were truly put here to do. That thing you dream about, but you’re so terrified you might not succeed at. That’s what you most need to do.

When we grow up, most parents sort of encourage their kids that they can be “anything” they want when they grow up. Well, the reality is that is sort of true. It’s just not EASY. You have to WORK for it.

But, do the thing that really fuels the fire inside you, that really turns you ON.

If you’ve fallen victim to that “impostor syndrome” like I have in the past, perhaps you feel like you’ve had several false starts and stops? Like you’ve had to start over and over and you’ve chased this opportunity and that opportunity, but none of them has ever really panned out the way you’d hoped?

Stop chasing shiny objects.

I decided that it’s definitely time to REINVENT myself, no matter the cost. To finally make a real commitment to building the business I actually dream about, to focus my time and effort almost solely on the few things I LOVE to do, and follow my heart when it KNOWS the real shit I need to write, the things I need to create — the things ONLY I can create! — and the actions I need to take.

It isn’t exactly starting over if what you’re really doing is finally resetting and playing the game you really WANT to play. Sometimes you do have to tear your whole life down to the foundations in order to build yourself back up to what you truly want to be.

And if you want the simple truth, the ONE single key to success I’ve seen across the board with all my most successful friends — the people I know who have built hugely successful companies, and some sold out for many millions of dollars, and many living very unique lifestyles entirely on their own terms…

…The ONE thing that I see in common with all of them is that they simply DIDN’T give up.

They picked something that resonated with them, something they believed they were capable of doing well, and they simply stuck with it, through thick and thin. If they fell, they just got back up and patted themselves off and kept at it, and they simply KEPT PUSHING FORWARD.

…Until, one day, they hit some huge success. And now other people look up to them with admiration.

So that’s all you have to do. You have to figure out your thing. Figure out your “why” — what you REALLY want to do in the world, how do you want to affect change in the lives of the people you call customers, and of the people around you in your communities?

That’s what it really is all about. It’s not “work”. It’s not a J.O.B.

It’s serving people. It’s doing something to help the folks around you. It’s solving some certain type of people’s problems. It is literally creating positive change for your circle of influence. That’s what our lives are about. It’s not that you have to be some slave to a job just to pay the bills, it’s not that it’s some begrudging “duty” that we have to fulfill.

I mean it is. But it’s the greatest duty that we get to fulfill as human beings!

How do you want to SERVE those around you? That’s what you should be asking.

And then you just need to improve yourself, and become the ideal person who can serve others in that way, THE person who can create that change in the world, who can fulfill a certain need in your community, or help fix a certain problem that those around you have.

But it starts with YOU.

Once you know what that one thing is that you care most about, you have to start by looking at yourself, evaluating, and taking the steps necessary to become the best at your game. That’s how you kick ass in business, that’s how you excel in the world of entrepreneurs, and start to make your way towards real success.

Plus, the fact is, everybody eventually gets to a point in business, in life, where they have cultivated SO much experience, where they eventually look back at their former selves, and almost wish they could go back in time and give their younger self a bit of insight into future things to come, into your more advanced state of mind and sense of understanding of the world, once you’ve earned a little wisdom.

That is why it is so important to connect with more experienced entrepreneurs who have BEEN through years of trial and error, failure and success, and earned their stripes, who have amassed fortunes, and some who have lost them, even to earn them back again, so you can get their experienced feedback, enlightened insights, input and recommendations.

When you break a bone, you go to the doctor to get an experienced expert’s professional help. You don’t try to figure it out yourself, by looking on Google.

Sometimes running your own company is just like trying to conduct an advanced surgery in your first couple weeks at medical school. Learning how to do business is JUST like medical school — you have to take your time to learn and gain experience, and you learn from the experts.

Only in business — there ARE NO institutions to offer out credentials. There IS NO official “university”. In our game, nobody will ever really ask you where you went to college, or whether you have a 4-year degree. NO. Customers just care whether you make a good product, or whether you’re better at whatever you do than the next guy. Can you get the job done? And well.

There is no credentialing organization. There is no governing body, no gatekeeper. There are only your customers. And there are no professors.

MBAs and business schools are a joke (and I worked at one). They train you for one of 3 things: to be an investment banker, or to be a mid-level exec for some corporate entity … where you’ll be a cog in some great multinational wheel. OR — you’ll become a dropout, who *might* go on to build some mediocre web-based startup of your own.

Are any of those 3 what you really WANT to be? What you were put on this earth to be?

If what you dream of is to build your own company, design your own product, direct your own career, serve the people you care about helping, and design the lifestyle YOU imagine for yourself, rather than relying on someone else to sign your paychecks and negotiate for time off the rest of your life, then you need to learn from the masters who’ve done exactly that.

You want experienced insights from people who’ve been through the struggles you will face, who have learned the important lessons that might help keep you from making mistakes that have already been made before.

You have to KNOW what you want. You have to KNOW who you desire to become.

And when you decide, you ideally should surround yourself with people who are similar to the person you want to become. When you can see others who have achieved it, and visualize and *touch* what their reality is like, then you are on the path to becoming a person who is capable of creating that same type of success for yourself.

Real entrepreneurs who’ve earned it the hard way KNOW that success only happens through relentlessly pursuing your goals and your vision, no matter what happens along the way.

If you’re always chasing the latest trends like I have, the newest strategies, or looking for hacks and shortcuts, then you’ll only attain fleeting, temporary success. When the next Google Panda update comes along, or the masses flock from Instagram to the next big thing, you’ll be forced to look for the next “magic bullet”.

But the truth is, we ALL know, there are no magic bullets. Not anything that lasts. Instead, it’s time to really commit to personal growth, and to becoming the best version of yourself, one step at a time, so that no matter what challenges life puts in your way, you will be better equipped to handle any adversity and any obstacle to your success.

Does This Sound Like You? Then It’s Time to Quit Playing Small and Embrace Your Greatness

The truth is, I’m building this and trying to bring together the right circle of people around me because I need this just as much as anybody. If I am going to achieve my BIGGEST goals, then I need to put in 10 times more effort to become more, better. And I know I will have 1000x more chance of success if I have a small community of solid people on my side — a team of cheerleaders, a support group, a fraternity, fellowship.

This will be a very limited, select group for motivated individuals who can bring the right things to the table. It will provide not only a support structure for when you need motivation and answers, and to help each other grow, and help each other build… but also a collective where we can employ each others’ services, refer business to one another, collaborate on joint venture deals, even potentially partner up.

I want to tear down ALL the walls, and see what happens when we really work together.

I am dedicated to helping you sculpt the business and lifestyle you dream about, and this 3-month VIP MasterMind program will be designed to give you regular motivation, enable some mind-expanding transformation for you, provide support and accountability as you conquer existing goals, overcome fears, develop more discipline, and set new, bigger challenges than you’ve ever imagined for yourself.

I will be committing to some of the biggest transformations I have ever made, and to some of the greatest, scariest goals I’ve ever attempted. And I am confident that I will be successful, with your help, with the collective help of the brilliant people who are already committed to this, when we all combine forces.

What You Can Expect From This Program:

20 seats (maximum). 3 months. 10+ mentors and experts. Weekly group calls, 1 onboarding call & 1 monthly 1-on-1 session with Cody. Unprecedented access to my network, resources, and connections.

Participate in 4 group MasterMind sessions every month — jump on Google Hangouts with our small circle of high-achievers for weekly accountability calls, hotseats where you’ll get to share your business, your specific challenges you face, and goals, and get feedback, insights, and often solutions from other participants. (If you don’t know what a MasterMind group is, please read this.)

4 private 1-on-1 coaching calls with Cody — an introductory onboarding call where we’ll really get to know your business, your present situation, major challenges, BIG goals, and then monthly check-in calls where I’ll hold you accountable, and do my best to offer guidance, and more importantly connect you with the right resources and people who can help you get where you want to go.

An ongoing private chat group — stay connected with other members of the MasterMind, for daily motivation, videos, tips, and support, as well as guidance from a hand-picked selection of mentors and experts who can help you overcome obstacles and figure out your next steps.

Get matched with an accountability partner — if you choose, we’ll do our best to matchmake and connect you with 1 or 2 other people in the group, specific to your situation and your goals, so you can hold each other accountable with daily check-in calls, emails, or chat messages.

A guided framework and exercises for success — minimal homework assignments, recommended books and resources, regular gratitude and goal-setting practices, to help empower your personal transformation, positivity, and success.

Never-before-granted access to my “Rolodex” — you’ll get connected with some of my inner circle, and an exclusive group with over 300 successful, experienced entrepreneurs, bloggers, and artists around the globe, plus personalized introductions to people who can provide valuable services or even partner and joint venture to help scale up your business.

Free, lifetime access to Digital Nomad Academy — worth $564/year, you’ll get unlimited lifetime access to my private online community which offers foundational business training, over 85 hours of exclusive interviews with highly-successful guest entrepreneurs, private peer forums, special deals, and much more. If you’re already a member, you’ll never pay another cent again for your membership.

All this for just $649 bucks, all-in.

I had been contemplating about some sort of VIP membership for our Academy for a long time. And honestly, that was long before I truly reconnected with my purpose, and fueled the FIRE that has led to my dreams of starting this MasterMind group.

Back then, I wasn’t even thinking of putting half this much effort, energy, and time into a top-tier program. But again, like I said before, now I realize I need this just as much as anyone does! And I have the raw desire and passion to truly give it 110% of all I have now.

As I’ve been surveying my students, discussing our biggest challenges and discovering what people wanted the most, and putting all this together — I thought to myself this is easily worth at least $1K or 1,500 bucks. But since I truly AM doing it almost selfishly for myself as much as for anything, and because I honestly want to make this accessible for the RIGHT people — the ambitious, motivated, committed, skillful individuals who will add the most possible to this group — I didn’t want to let money be a main motivator, and I thought, hell I’ll just charge $750.

And with the overwhelming survey response we’ve already had, I’ve had SEVERAL of my DNA students and readers already tell me they’d be WILLING to pay me $1,000, $1,500, or $2,000 for this — something that had hardly even quite taken shape just yet! Like, I am already leaving money on the table by undervaluing this. And I had a few who even said they believe it’s worth as much as $5,000 for 3 solid months of devoted time like this.

So in the future, if we do this again, I almost certainly will put a MUCH higher price tag on this. Because you guys will be getting SO MUCH of me, and I will be pouring a majority of my time and energy into this group for the next 3 months sprint (everything other than the time I must spend with my son!)

It’s normally impossible to get on the phone with me 1-on-1 for less than $150 dollars an hour these days (I really don’t do hardly any because I’ve been so occupied with my own stuff). So already it’d be very difficult to buy 4 solid hours of my time for less than $600. But you’ll be connected to me daily on chat, weekly on group Hangouts, and you’ll get full access to my $1500 private community that has been growing strong since Jan, 2011, as well as a community of top-tier successful entrepreneurs that I’ve cultivated over the last 8 years by traveling to over 30 countries and spending countless tens of thousands of dollars, AND the dedicated time and attention from a select group of my most trusted expert friends through this whole process.

But since this is the first time I’ve ever led a project like this, and since I know several of the people I really would LOVE to have in this group with me are not doing as great financially as they wish they were and making an investment like this can be difficult for many, I decided that JUST THIS ONE TIME, I will make this available for a super reasonable low price and drop it all the way down to just $650 bucks.

That’s for over 90 days of dedicated time, a group of mentors, a guided framework, and getting plugged in to a larger community for life. That’s only about 7 dollars a day for constant motivation, custom-catered guidance and action items, insightful feedback and solutions from a team of experienced pros, fun and supportive community, structured accountability on your goals, private coaching, and access to my online business course and giant library of members-only interviews, plus lots of surprises and extras along the way.

It’s a one-time offer. IF I ever lead a high-level MasterMind group like this again, I will almost certainly be charging double for it at least, so I can properly compensate a team of professional coaches and operate this thing like a business. But this time around — it’s still an experiment, and we’re running on a lot of good will, and I want to find those few RIGHT people, no matter what.

So if that’s you, please raise your hand.

Apply Now

The Benefits of Being a Part of Our Hero’s MasterMind

Get connected to people who can help you scale up your business — the main goal of this program is to help you build close relationships with high-level people and get help directly from experienced entrepreneurs who have BEEN there before, who have faced the same challenges you are facing, and come out successfully. We already have excellent people on board with expertise in far-reaching areas including content marketing, branding, copywriting, web design, programming, SEO, paid advertising, social media, SaaS services, physical products, joint ventures, and much more.

Get more clarity on who you really are, who you want to become, and your purpose — through 3 months of dedicated motivation, inspiration, and personal development, we’ll dig deep into your desired results for your life, discovering purpose, and we’ll empower you to finally commit to your absolute biggest goals and go ALL IN on yourself. Stop doing what everyone else around you is doing, and OBLITERATE your impostor syndrome!

24/7 access to advice and backup no matter where you are — daily motivation, support & accountability as you develop more discipline, overcome fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, conquer your goals, and level-up in your business and personal development. Online and worldwide, this network of A-players will have your back anytime. Stop trying to do it all ALONE!

Reprogram your thinking and develop a success mindset — with a strong focus on daily gratitude, goal-setting, visualization, developing healthier habits, positive psychology, creativity, and purpose, our goal is to take you to a whole new level, so we encourage you to bring an open mind and remember that you were born with unlimited potential and greatness inside you.

Build a lifelong TEAM of partners you can count on and collaborate with — even though we’ll only be hustling hard for 3 months, this deep, intimate, exclusive design for this group will naturally mean we’ll all get to know each other VERY well, develop friendships and partnerships, understand opportunities to connect each other with useful resources and contacts, refer business to one another, and truly create a cooperative entrepreneurial Collective that will almost certainly lead to more customers, new opportunities, and increased revenue for all involved for a long time to come. When people come to me asking for help with things I can’t do or don’t enjoy, I’ll be looking to connect them with members of this high-level MasterMind to get the job done.

This Is Definitely For You If:

You’ve read Think and Grow Rich and found it valuable for your success

You have a clear picture of who you want to be and are 200% COMMITTED to getting there, no matter what it takes

You have your own pet projects you’re passionate about, your own business, or mission in life

You have participated in a MasterMind group and understand the value these groups can add to your life

You have one or more SPECIFIC, BIG goals you want to reach, or positive habits you want to nurture over the next three months

You believe you ARE capable of creating your own career, your lifestyle, your surroundings, in the way you imagine for yourself, if only you just have the right tools at your disposal

You are ALREADY deeply committed to your goals, but you know you need a support structure, accountability, and fellowship with other entrepreneurs along the way

You are finally at a point in your life where you KNOW you need to CHANGE who you are for the better in order to be able to achieve the things you truly want in life.

This Probably Isn’t for You If:

You’re still not quite sure what your goals are or what you want to accomplish with your business/career

You see others who have things you want, at least you think you want, but you’re still not sure you’re ready to COMMIT 110% of your energy, time, and resources to get there

You think all this mindset, motivation, and positive psychology stuff is a distraction, bullshit, or hocus pocus

You already know exactly what you need to do, and EXACTLY how you need to do it, and you don’t need anybody else’s help

Your main priority is to make your parents, your professors, your family, or your peers proud, and to have the material success they expect you to have

You don’t like reading books, watching documentaries, studying about successful businesspeople, or keeping an open mind while you learn about other perspectives different than your own

You blame your lack of success on someone else, a certain failure or embarrassment that messed up your whole career, or on the way you were raised.

You can’t set aside at least 3 hours a DAY to work HARD on your business and your goals

As long as those don’t apply to you…

Are You Ready to GO BIG??

No more half-measures. We only get to do this once!

If you’re fired up about these ideas, excited to be a part of something bigger, improve yourself, up your game, and get serious help scaling up your business…

If you’re ready to stop playing small, embrace your greatness, do whatever is necessary, and join us on this Hero’s Challenge, please apply below:

YES Im Ready!

Thank you sincerely for your interest and your support!

We’ll be in touch with chosen applicants *VERY* soon.

This will be a very limited, select group for motivated individuals who can bring the right things to the table. We will be reviewing applications and contacting the selected candidates in the coming days — with the ambitious goal tentatively to start this transformational 90-day challenge by November 5th if possible.

Namaste & keep hustling!

Read the original article on Thrilling Heroics here: Time to Up Our Game 100x

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