
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Governor-Elect Greg Abbott criticized city bans this week and said reducing “regulatory burdens” would make Texas a better state.

“The truth is Texas is being California-ized and you may not even be noticing it,” said Abbott as he spoke Thursday. “It’s being done at the city level with bag bans, fracking bans, tree cutting bans. We’re forming a patchwork quilt of bans and rules and regulations that is eroding the Texas model.”

If you live in Austin, you’ve likely had an experience with the plastic bag ban.

“I realized that something that I originally thought was a hassle is something that I now appreciate,” said Robert Schmidt, in support of the bag ban in Austin.

Other shoppers haven’t come around to the changes.

“I never know if my bags are in my truck or in my van,” said another shopper.

Texas has already seen attempts from the legislature to limit city rules. A bill failed last session known as the “Shopping Bag Freedom Act,” which aimed invalidate city bag bans. This year another bill would require certain city ballot measures to go in front of the attorney general before it could go to a vote.

The governor will have to use his influence to accomplish changes. Clinical Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs Sherri Greenberg says she believes Abbott has support — given the makeup of at the Capitol.

“The governor comes in his new position. He’s in his honeymoon period,” said Greenberg. “He won overwhelmingly. He also has Republican control, all the statewide offices and the House and the Senate.”

Greenberg says the issue raised by Abbott is a continuation of a long-standing debate in Texas about local control and the amount of regulations in the state.

“[Unchecked over-regulation by cities] is contrary to my vision for Texas,” said Abbott. “My vision is one where individual liberties are not bound by city limit signs. I will insist on protecting unlimited liberty to ensure that Texas will continue to grow and prosper.”

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