Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, March 23, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at the office of The Woodlands Township, 2801 Technology Forest Blvd, The Woodlands, Texas, within the boundaries of The Woodlands Township, for the following purposes:
STANDARD ITEMS 1. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Call meeting to order; 3. Receive, consider and act upon adoption of the meeting agenda; 4. Recognize public officials; 5. Public comment; 6. Receive, consider and act upon reports from Village Association representatives; CONSENT AGENDA 7. Receive, consider and act upon the Consent Agenda;
(This agenda consists of non-controversial or “housekeeping” items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by any Board Member making such request prior to a motion and vote.) a. Receive, consider and act upon approval of the February 18, 2016 Board Planning Session and February 24, 2016 Regular Board Meeting minutes for the Board of Directors of The Woodlands Township; b. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Community Services; c. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Law Enforcement and Community Policing; d. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Transportation; e. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for The Woodlands Fire Department; f. Receive, consider and act upon a proclamation in support of Earth Day; g. Receive, consider and act upon an award of bid for lake and pond maintenance services C-2016-0041; h. Receive, consider and act upon a Special Event Permit for Shootout for Soldiers -Texas; i. Receive, consider and act upon a draft Request for Proposal for Ice Rink Production Services (C-2016-0100); j. Receive, consider, approve and ratify the extension of the Second Extension of Interlocal Agreement; with the Brazos Transit District to April 1, 2016 (C-2016-0113); k. Receive, consider and act upon approval of an Agreement of Inclusion and a Certificate of Inclusion related to the bald eagle and conveyance of One Lake’s Edge Kayak Kiosk; PUBLIC HEARING 8. Receive, consider and act upon a proposed fare increase for The Woodlands Express Park and Ride service; 9. Receive consider and act upon a presentation and public hearing for the Montgomery County Thoroughfare Plan and certain projects contained within the South County Mobility Plan; REGULAR AGENDA 10. Receive, consider and act upon a presentation from Constable Gable regarding internet crime and Children Safe Harbor initiatives (as requested by Director Bass); 11. Receive, consider and act upon a update on the 2016 Ironman Texas; 12. Receive, consider and act upon a presentation on TheWoodlands311 Mobile App; 13. Receive, consider and act upon matters involving The Woodlands Express and The Woodlands Town Center Trolley System; 14. Receive, consider and act upon the financial report; 15. Receive, consider and act upon a Request for Qualifications for Consulting and Insurance Brokerage Services for Employee Health and Welfare Benefits; (C-2016-0036) 16. Receive, consider and act upon a proposal for a host venue sponsorship agreement for an international youth soccer tournament; 17. Receive a report from The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau regarding the Waterway Cruiser operation; 18. Receive, consider and act upon the Residential Survey Request for Proposals;
CLOSED MEETING (if applicable) 19. Recess to Executive Session to discuss matters relating to real property pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code; deliberation of economic development negotiations pursuant to §551.087, Texas Government Code; discuss personnel matters pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code; and to consult with The Woodlands Township’s attorney pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code; 20. Reconvene in public session; DISCUSS FUTURE AGENDA /ANNOUNCEMENTS 21. Consideration of items to be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting; 22. Board announcements; and 23. Adjournment.
The post Woodlands Township Board of Directors to Meet Wednesday night appeared first on K-Star Country FM 99.7 KVST.