On Saturday, November 7th, Splendora High School hosted its first ever gaming tournament. Senior Anthony Grizzaffi approached Splendora High School Director of Advanced Academics Rhonda Bell about hosting a free student-led tournament at the high school cafeteria about six weeks ago. Mrs. Bell, who is always happy to support students and provide opportunities for them to participate in activities that they enjoy, agreed to supervise the event. Over 150 students signed up to participate in tournaments for popular games including Call of Duty, Super Mario Smash Bros, and Street Fighter. Students arrived to begin setting up equipment as early as 7:00 am, and the actual tournaments took place from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The event was a resounding success. Ronald Marshall won the Call of Duty: Black Ops II 1 player versus 1 player tournament. Ricky Villafana and Nathan Moore were the winners of the 2 player versus 2 player tournament. Emmith Gonzalez was the winner of the Super Mario Smash Bros tournament, and Abel Vidaurri and Justin Behnken were the finalists in the Street Fighter tournament. The winners of each tournament were awarded trophies provided by Mrs. Bell. The students were proud that they were able to initiate and carry out an event of this scale on their own and are excited to take on more student-driven events of this kind in the future. Thanks to Mrs. Bell, Anthony Grizzaffi, and all of the students that helped out and participated. It was, like every day, a great day to be a Wildcat!
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