
HPG and YJA-STAR guerrillas in Kirkuk issued a call yesterday to celebrate May Day as a day of unity, struggle and solidarity.

‘Unite around the HDP’

HPG guerrilla Adıl Botan said: “Firstly, I would like to celebrate the May Day of our Leader, the people of Kurdistan and of all humanity. The PKK was established as an organisation of toilers. In order to oppose the imperialist system, which wants to control all humanity, all working people must unite.” Botan called on all workers and democratic forces to unite around the HDP.

YJA-STAR guerrilla Sarya Kobane called on workers to come onto the streets on May Day, adding that May was a month when revolutionary martyrs were commemorated.

‘As the PKK we are always alongside the workers and toilers’

HPG guerrilla Yılmaz Sipan said that the PKK would always be alongside the workers, and Zêwer Başurî called on the people of South Kurdistan to take ownership of the resistance and to join the ranks of the guerrillas.

Source: Firat News Agency

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