An annual music festival to celebrate the music of the Man in Black is literally being moved to the Johnny Cash Boyhood Home…or that is, next to the home. In 2011, Arkansas State University started the process of acquiring and restoring the Johnny Cash Boyhood Home in Dyess. In order to raise funds for the project, the Johnny Cash Music Festival was held in Jonesboro. Over the years, the boyhood house, the old theatre building and the administration building have been restored under the first phase of the project, thanks to the proceeds from the music festival. In order to start the second phase of work, the Johnny Cash Heritage Festival will take place. Instead of one concert being held in Jonesboro, this festival will cover three days in October. A symposium will take place October 19 th and 20 th , and the music portion of the festival will be held on Saturday, October 21 st . Johnny Cash’s oldest daughter Rosanne says it is appropriate that the festival and the music be held at the