
Immersed by Jennifer Griffith

Lisette Pannebaker speaks five languages and has a brilliant business plan—personal language immersion. Clients can hire her to shadow them and speak all day in any language they need to learn for business or travel—whatever.

But there’s a major hitch: she’s far too pretty. Clients with less than honorable intentions sign up just have Lisette at their side. Solution? A make-under. Way under.It works like a charm. None of her male clients show her the least bit of interest.

Until… Erik.

Erik Gunnarsson is charming, kind, and smart—everything she’s ever looked for. Even though he seems to have a secret and she swore she’d never date a client, Lisette is tempted to shed her disguise—even if it means jeopardizing her career.


Author Jennifer Griffith

Jennifer Griffith studied French, German, Japanese, and a wee bit of Spanish in her school days. Her grandmother was Norwegian, and Jennifer grew up with lots of Scandinavian traditions floating around, including fabulous cardamom laced cookies called Krumkaker, made on a fancy waffle iron. However, she’d never dream of trying to teach someone any of those languages. And she might botch the cookies. Instead, she writes novels in English, drives her five kids a million places, and laughs with her husband, who came up with the plot for Immersed because he’s just a cool muse like that.

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My Review

I really liked the whole set of books in the Ripple Effect.  I just finished reading Immersed  by Jennifer Griffith and I enjoyed the story.  Lisette was graduating from college ~ she had seen a ring box on her boyfriends coffee table and was sure she was so excited.  Only to find out he was using her for good grades.  Lisette still had a plan she was opening up a business called Immersed here people could pay to spend time with her and learn another language.  She was well versed in many as her family moved a lot when she was a child and she picked it up.  The only problem was that she was very good looking and all of the male clients that hired her ~ hit on her.  She needed to pay back the money her mother loaned her for the business as she borrowed it.  Her aunt talked her into a make over that would make her less attractive.  Would this work?  What did her new client Erik think?  Did he agree to her terms? You will need to read Immersed to find out.

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