
Social Media is going to be the death of me! I love social medial and I love reading what is going on in the world and locally on Facebook and Twitter. I recently have become super into Snapchat and of course my favorite medium is Instagram. I have read different articles poking fun at the different types of people and posters out there, from the political high horse people, to the soccer moms, to the people trying to sell my oils and protein shakes. I think all those blogs and articles out there are great, and super funny, but I always wonder what made my high school best friend become such an annoying Facebook poster, or why my college bestie is living in the past tagging me in photos I prefer not is in as an adult? I decided to dig a little deeper into the people I find to be the most annoying on social media, who once used to be my closes friends.

The girls who are trying to sell me junk… every single one of the girls trying to sell me workout DVD’s, protein shakes, herbal oils, patterned leggings and frump skirts, skin care products, body wraps, fingernail art, jewelry, makeup, and meal kits all have other jobs. I don’t understand why they want to waste their time away from their forty hour a week job to try and hustle their friends into buying stuff to support their pyramid scheme. I was once manipulated by my friend to get into selling a skin care cream because it was awesome and really worked… well guess what, it was annoying to sell and hustle people online that I knew. I felt like I was taking advantage of people I cared about and getting my skin care cream for free wasn’t worth it. There are three types of people that are selling crap online to their friends in my opinion. The first and most common type of hustlers are trying to get their product for free by getting X amount of people to buy it. The second type of person is trying to make money, and the third and least common person is selling it because they actually believe in their product. Hopefully these girls have found a calling or passion when selling their rubbish on social media to friends.

Another thing that goes hand in hand on my new feed with the pyramid scheme girls are the moms who post a million pictures of their kids. I love seeing my friends’ kids and what they are up to, but its super annoying to see the same picture seven times from a different angel. I don’t care that your kid at ice cream at the Dairy Queen in seven different pictures. I don’t care that they saw a bird out the window, and I definitely don’t care that pooped in the potty and you took a photo! I find that the most my friends post of their kids, the more I find that kid to be annoying and start judging my friends. I’m not perfect and I post things on Instagram that other people might find to be irritating, but at least it’s at different events and places.  I’m not a parent so I don’t know what it’s like to have a child and think that everything they do is amazing and think that rest of the world cares to know about. I think there are a few different reasons why moms post so many pictures of their kids. I think that some of them might not have a stable or happy home from their childhood, and their husband and child is all they ever wanted, showing that to the world makes them feel good. I think other moms use social media as a place to document events in life like a timeline. So when they look back on their pictures they know when and where something occurred. These moms post a lot of pictures for family and people out of state, not for me or you who find it obsessive.

For the people who are like the new moms documenting everything on Facebook, I prefer your annoying ways over the people living in the past on social media! These people make me sad and kind of drive me nuts. About ten minutes ago I was tagged in a photo from 2004 on Facebook! I didn’t even have Facebook in 2004 and I have barely spoken to the person who tagged me in these photos for the past 6 years.  Now a throwback Thursday photo is awesome, but on a Monday when you just posted a depressing quote or cat MEME followed by an album “A throwback to the good times” what is going on with you? I think the people who are constantly posting picture collages of times back in high school and college are living in the past and need to move forward. I have reached out to a girl who is always posting pictures of me and her from seven and eight years ago, she came out with me once in the past 6 years and never text me again. I feel like reaching out to her to make sure she is ok and that life is good, but on the other hand I don’t really feel like I need her in my life anymore. We never had a following out, she moved away and then came back and we just never reconnected. For my birthday this year she made huge picture collage and posted in on my Facebook, it made me really happy, but also really sad at the same time. I just hope the people living in the past on Facebook get out of their and start living in the moment.

And if they are living in the moment I hope they don’t become the depressing MEME posting people or some ecards sad quote girls. I see a hand full of people on my newsfeed post inspiration quotes about life, love, and mountains to climb all the time and I am not the type of person who is inspired by them. There are two types of people posting the inspiration quotes, one is doing it to seem deep and cool and the other type is posting them to remind them of how to live and be that day. Either way it’s so frustrating to scroll everyday with multiple pictures of the ocean with a quote behind it, or see a painting of a butterfly with some fancy words written on the wings. Come on people!!! Be original. I actually appreciate the crazy political people who think I care about their opinions over the deep emotion Facebook quotes. If you really believe in what you’re posting then at least tell us why you feel that way today. It lets you friends know a little more about you rather than just assuming they know what you’re going through.

Most people who post inspiration quotes aren’t doing it to get attention from others, but the people who post vague Tweets and Facebook status are. I can’t stand the dark and the creepy status like “If only I had known”. A status like that is just asking for attention and I feel bad for the people who have to reach out on social media to get their thoughts across.

As a society face to face communication has decreased immensely over the past ten years and email, texting, and social media have played the biggest role in less and less human interaction. I just hope that when people are looking to tell their friends about a really cool trip to the zoo they had with their kids they actually tell their friends first or better yet invite them to go and make the memories with them rather than seeing a million pictures on Facebook. The people who sell junk on Facebook I hope it’s only a phase and that you don’t plan on making a career selling nail art and magic oils. To all the people who continue to live in the past, please reach out to your friends you are tagging in the 10 year old photos and make new memories. I also know that if people are struggling with depression or need help that social media isn’t the worst place to post a status. People are always scrolling their newsfeed and will look out for you and your cry for help.

Like I said before I’m not perfect and I’m sure the mommy types think “oh another drink in her hand at a baseball game” and people living in the past think “those are her new friends, why?” and the depressed people probably hate me because I travel and go to a lot of concerts with my friends and family. I guess I’m just very lucky that I don’t fall into one of the annoying social media types I find on my newsfeed, but I’m sure I fall into someone else’s types.

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