
Pacem in Terris and Wilmington in Transition are thrilled to receive this important Seed Grant. It will help shape a new and focused effort on transforming our community, and serve as a prototype for other community efforts. Here is what we will be doing:

Working with other neighborhood organizations and institutions in the low-income, multi-racial community in which we are located, we will implement a neighborhood-focused TimeBank and develop and make available to the same neighborhood a guide to local resources.

The purpose of the resource guide is to increase local self-reliance and decrease the financial costs and environmental impacts for meeting basic needs in the neighborhood. This guide, the Wilmington in Transition Local EcoEconomy Action Guide will feature information on locally produced food, energy, goods and services.

It will include all the neighborhood businesses that can help in a transition to a more sustainable and economically thriving neighborhood and region. The Guide will include categories such as Food– including local gardens, gardening groups & community gardens, local farms, farmers markets, local farming coalitions, farmer to consumer programs, food pantries and centers, food assistance programs, fresh food in the city, cooking classes, etc. —as well as similarly detailed chapters on Energy, Water, Health and Safety, Transportation, Employment and other topics.

Wilmington in Transition will also work with the Wilmington, DE neighborhood organizations Quaker Hill Neighborhood Association and the West Center City Neighborhood Association, to implement a TimeBank to help build local communication, cooperation, collaboration and wealth through the use of local resources, skills and time.  Quaker Hill Neighborhood Association and the West Center City Neighborhood Association are coalitions of Wilmington’s West Side residents, businesses, churches and community groups.

Both the TimeBank and Local EcoEconomy Resource Guide will be made widely available in the Quaker Hill and West Center City neighborhoods. Our success will be monitored though the number of TimeBank members, the use of the TimeBank, and the use of the Local EcoEconomy Resource Guide.

Wilmington in Transition has further plans to develop and implement a Free Store, and prepare a larger

Lettuces defying the heat!

scale vision/plan that includes a “Peace Park,” community garden, playground and peace mural.

Sponsoring Organization – Pacem in Terris

Pacem in Terris (Latin for “Peace on Earth”) was founded by an interfaith group of clergy and business leaders in Wilmington, Delaware in 1967.  For 49 years it has facilitated the active participation of people and organizations on issues and projects relevant to the quest for peace, justice, and sustainability throughout the world. It is an independent, member-supported non-profit organization whose work embodies a creative mix of hope and vision with pragmatic education and positive action.

Speaking for all of us, thank you! – for this honor, and opportunity, to help our community.

The Wilmington in Transition Team, http://witde.delawarehourexchange.org/wp/

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