IPGs New Law Blog the Korean Entertainment Law Blog. The attorneys at IPG will be posting three to four post per week on issues related to Korean Entertainment Law.
We are looking forward to hearing comments and have questions asked of us. Topics that will be addressed will include legal and business issues related to:
Korean Films
Korean Screenwriters
Korean Producers, Directors, Studios & Technical Staff
Korean Actors & Actresses
Korean Television
Korean Recording Companies
Korean Censorship & Defamation Laws
Korean Intellectual Property Law
Korean Copyright Law
Korean Fair Use Law
Korean IP Infringement Actions
Remedies for IP Infringement
Korean Trademarks & Trade Secrets
Korean Patent Law
Korean Merchandising
Korean-Tailored Agreements
Actor, Writer, Director Contract
Television Contracts
Korean Music Agreements, Band & Symphony, Band-Agent Agreements
Korean Manuscript, Copyright, and Royalty Clauses, Accounting, Warranties, Assignments
Arbitration Clauses
Dispute Resolution
Please try to be patient, we will be dealing with all of the following general issues over the next six to nine months and, then, begin to handle more specific issues.