Suriya Sivakumar-starrer Tamil action-drama "Singam 2", which released worldwide July 5, has got a good opening. It collected Rs.9.25 crore on the release day in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka despite getting criticism for being too lengthy.
"Reportedly made on a budget of Rs.45 crore, 'Singam 2' collected a total of Rs.9.25 crore on the day of release from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka," trade analyst Trinath said.
The critics said Hari Gopalakrishnan's directorial venture as over commercial and extremely lengthy, but it seems that the viewers are enjoying the film.
The success of "Singam 2" comes as a respite for Suriya after his last two releases - "7am Arivu" and "Maattrraan" failed to keep the cash registers ringing.
The film is a sequel to highly successful "Singam", and Hari Gopalakrishnan went behind the camera to helm both the films.
Besides Suriya, "Singam 2" also features Anushka Shetty, Hansika Motwani, Nasser, Mukesh Rushi, Danny Sapani, Rahman, Radha Ravi, Santhanam, Vivek and Anjali.