Kolkata Municipal Corporation has not given the permission for the 30th November public meeting of BJP on Thursday. BJP appealed for the vacant place before the Victoria House at Dharmatala for their 30th November public meeting where BJP’s All India President Amit Shah is scheduled to address the party workers .A number of meetings were held on Thursday to resolve the issue.The Commissioner of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Khalil Ahmed held a meeting with the Additional Advocate General. After that a two pages letter containing the reasons under which BJP’s public meeting appeal has been rejected was given by the KMC to the BJP leaders.
Over the KMC’s denial State BJP President Rahul Sinha said they were expecting such outcome. BJP will address the court on Friday over the issue, said the state BJP President. However, Sahid Minar is BJP’s second choice for their All India President Amit Shah’s public meeting.
Earlier, the Kolkata High Court asked the BJP leaders to re-appeal for the 30th November Public meeting to the KMC and the Fire Brigade when the Kolkata police rejected BJP’s public meeting petition.