
Dom the Conservative

Footage of Mohamed Jamal Khweis captured by Kurdish forces was released Monday, but the Virginia terrorist’s family had a sickening response.

Virginia resident Mohamed Jamal Khweis made international headlines when Kurdish forces captured the cowardly ISIS defector in Syria days ago. However, as soon as reporters asked the Muslim militant’s father what he thought about his son joining the barbaric Islamic terror group, the devoutly religious dad had 4 stomach-churning words.

On Monday, Mohamed made his first appearance as an Islamic State jihadist when shocking footage of his interrogation by Peshmerga troops was released. Upon finding a Virginia driver’s license in his pocket, he admitted to the Kurds that he was from the “United States,” proving the increasing danger of the organization’s recruiting of Western Muslims.

Reporters flocked to Mohamed’s family home, seeking answers about the 26-year-old Muslim’s 2-month occupation with the terror group. However, the response they received wasn’t quite the answer they expected. Instead of denouncing or even grieving his son’s terrorist actions, Jamal Khweis defended him, saying “he’s a good person,” according to WUSA-9.

“He’s my son, he’s a good person, he’s a good son,” Jamal yelled at reporters. “I raised my kids the right way.”
Jamal insisted to cameras repeatedly that the captive “is not my son” and that they had a “wrong confirmation,” but he admitted that he doesn’t know where his son has been the last few months.

“My son is old enough and I have no idea where he is at,” he said. “You say he is in Iraq, but he is not.”

Jamal Khweis denied that his son was anything other than a “good person,” claiming that he “raised his kids the right way.”

Mohamed’s uncle, Kamal Khweis, supported his brother’s denial that their boy could be anything other than the harmless young man they allegedly raised him to be.

“He’s a quiet guy… a nice guy,” his uncle, Kamal Khweis, told NBC News. “He had a car, he had a job. His parents gave him everything. No one knows what to think. His mother is crying. That’s him. I cannot believe it. He doesn’t even speak Arabic. ISIS? I cannot believe this. They don’t know anything about him going to the Middle East.”

Kamal told media that the family believed Mohamed was traveling in Europe, saying that the last they heard of him was that he was on vacation in Greece. However, Mohamed revealed to Peshmerga troops that he had been stationed in Mosul, Iraq, before deserting his post for safety across Kurdish border.

Mohamed’s father became so enraged with the media accusing his son of joining ISIS that he pushed and hit reporters before turning a water hose on their cameras. Police were eventually called to calm the situation.

Initial reports identified the fighter as Mohamed Jamal Amin, but his driver’s license has him registered as Mohamed Jamal Khweis.

Of course, it’s consistently the narrative of the families of Muslim terrorists to either deny their relative’s wrongdoing or shamelessly praise their involvement. The response depends on the family’s location, although there is rarely ever denouncement, as such criticism is widely seen as un-Islamic.

According to CNN, even though the family of the San Bernardino shooters admitted they knew Sayed Farook “shared the ideology of [ISIS leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi,” they later retracted their statement, claiming there’s “no way” they would’ve ever thought they would do such a thing and that if they had known, they would’ve “done something to stop it.”
Even after brothers Dhzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were found guilty of killing 3 and wounding over 260 others in the Boston Marathon bombing, their family deny the men are guilty of any wrongdoing. In fact, the relatives told the Daily Mail they have banded together to fight Dhzokhar’s well-deserved death sentence “until the end.”

According to Islam and the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s own example, Mohamed Jamal Khweis is, in fact, a “good son.” Carrying out the same jihad that his own prophet did, this Western Muslim hasn’t allowed democracy and tolerance to turn him from his religious duty, as commanded in the Quran. Unfortunately for the rest of us, a good Muslim by Muhammad’s standards is a murderous radical by our own.

H/T [Pamela Geller]
Photo Credit [ABC News, NY Daily News, The Guardian]

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