
Python MongoDB Setup

Setting up Python and MongoDB are quite easy since Python has its own package manager.

To install mongodb lib for Python MAC OSX, you would do the following:

To install Python MongoDB on Linux or Windows do the following:


If you don't have easy_install on your Linux box you may have to do some
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools or sudo yum install python-setuptools
iterations, although it seems to be usually installed with most Linux distributions these days. If
easy_install or pip
is not installed on Windows, try reformatting your hard disk and installing a real OS, or if that is too
inconvenient go here
. The key here is to install pymongo.

Once you have it all setup, you will can create some code that is equivalent to the first console examples as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Python code listing part 1

Python does have literals for maps so working with Python is much closer to the JavaScript/Console from earlier than Java is. Like Java there are libraries for Python that work with MongoDB (MongoEngine, MongoKit, and more). Even executing queries is very close to the JavaScript experience as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: Python code listing part 2

Here is the complete listing to make the cut and paste crowd (like me), happy.

Listing: Complete Python listing

If you would like to learn more about MongoDB consider the following resources:

The output for the Python example is as follows:

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