
When you decide to build your dream kitchen, you have so many options at your disposal these days.  While modern kitchens continue to gain in popularity, a significant percentage of homeowners prefer a traditional kitchen.  This blog will discuss traditional and cottage style options from Wood-Mode custom cabinetry.

There is an endless array of options available depending on your style and preferences.  If you are thinking of installing a cottage style kitchen, Wood-Mode’s Seaside Cottage offers clean lines and contrasting finishes along with simplified trim details.  These details evoke a cozy Seaside Cottage.  While traditional style kitchens remain popular, innovation has come about to bring traditional design to modern times.  Wood-Mode even has an e-book available titled “Traditional Design for the 21st Century” if you would like to take a look at an extensive deep dive into the topic.  A little over four months ago, Wood-Mode partnered with content developer DCoopMedia to celebrate NeoCon 2015.   Wood-Mode held an event titled “Traditional for the 21st Century” which gave attendees an inside look into the changing face of traditional design in the U.S.

Last week’s blog focused on K&N’s upcoming participation in the AIA Houston Home Tour.  While the kitchen we designed was a contemporary Brookhaven kitchen, Brookhaven also offers many traditional options.  Brookhaven has many of the same features as Wood-Mode with a few differences that can be viewed here.  Now is a good time to start your Wood-Mode/Brookhaven project as Wood-Mode’s special savings event is ongoing.  Lastly, as so many events are taking place in the near future, we would like to mention the Houston Heights Holiday Home Tour.  Make sure to attend December 4-5!  For more information on Wood-Mode and Brookhaven custom cabinetry, visit our showroom and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Houzz! 

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