
Digestive tract problems are many and they may be difficult to sort out, even by well-trained doctors.

Some individuals may simultaneously suffer from bloating due to lactose (milk) intolerance, heartburn from thick sludgy bile, indigestion from lack of stomach acid caused by Helicobacter pylori infection and also have overgrowth of yeast (Candida albicans).

Symptoms of these maladies are often common and overlapping, making it even more difficult to determine their cause and cure. Different digestive tract maladies produce similar cross-over symptoms, such as heartburn, bloating, nausea, tummy pain, stomach fullness, etc.

The following is a checklist of digestive tract problems, their common symptoms and online links provided for checking up on natural home remedies.

Because there is no feasible way of accurately determining the cause(s) of common but complicated digestive tract disorders, it may be wise to start a regimen of natural remedies that addresses many of them.

For example, a regimen that would include zinc carnosine to eradicate H. pylori, a low sugar diet combined with oil of oregano to reduce yeast overgrowth, avoidance of milk to eliminate symptoms of milk intolerance, and some betaine hydrochloride as a source of acid to improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

Helicobacter pylori infection

- ~52% of American population; H. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium commonly found in the stomach. This bacterium may penetrate the stomach’s protective mucous lining and produce substances that weaken the lining and make the stomach more susceptible to damage from gastric acids.  It is the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers.

Abdominal pain

Loss of appetite

Weight loss




Vomiting (vomit may be bloody or look like coffee grounds)

Black, tarry stools

Anemia from blood loss

Feeling full after eating a small amount of food

Candida albicans– yeast overgrowth

(sugar-craving fungi); also called candidiasis or thrush in infants; usually as a result of overconsumption of refined sugars; induces sugar craving. Avoidance of sugars may result in slight fever and stomach discomfort as yeast cells die off.  May result from over-use of antibiotics.

Red inflamed scaly rash

Vaginal yeast infection

Sore throat; difficulty swallowing

Cracking corners of the mouth

White or creamy blue patches on the tongue

Infections of the fingernails

Often seen among alcoholics

In severe cases can cause heart valve problems and murmurs

Lactose intolerance

– lack of lactase enzyme to break down lactose in milk and dairy products.  An estimated 70% of the world’s human population is lactase deficient (lactose intolerant).

Lactose intolerance is over-estimated.  Small amounts of lactose, such as provided in a cup of milk, do not generally provoke symptoms of lactose intolerance especially when consumed with a meal.

Bloating, gas; Lactose (milk) is often a cause of gastric bloating

Pain or cramps in the lower belly

Gurgling sounds in the stomach



Lactose intolerance and intestinal gas is increased among patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Poor bile flow (thick or sludgy bile)-

Heartburn (bile acid is major cause of heartburn, not stomach acid, as a New York Times article claims.)

Gallstones (gallbladder is a “squirt gun” for bile)

Knife-like pain under lower right rib near midsection with meals (where gall bladder is located)



Elevated cholesterol (lack of bile flow which disposes cholesterol from the system)




Fever and chills


Pain after eating fatty and spicy food items

Declining stomach acid secretion

(also called hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria, zero stomach acid secretion).  May be age related, lack of zinc, or H pylori infection which shuts off acid secretion.  Zinc, chloride and sodium are required to produce stomach acid.

Poor vitamin absorption, often vitamin B12 deficiency

Infections due to lack of acid


Weight loss


Gas, especially after meals

Abdominal tightness

Heartburn, indigestion

Undigested food in stools


Abdominal cramping

Foul smelling gas

Halitosis, bad breath

Leaky gut

– when undigested proteins enter the blood circulation.

Leaky gut syndrome (intestinal permeability) is a term describing loose junctions between cells in the intestines and passage of undigested proteins, germs and other inflammatory agents into the blood circulation which triggers an immune response.

Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Seasonal allergies or asthma.

Hormonal imbalances

Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, psoriasis, or celiac disease.

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia.

Mood and mind issues (depression, anxiety)

Skin issues such as acne, rosacea, or eczema.

Food allergies or intolerances


– when acidic stomach contents rise up into the esophagus and throat, resulting in a burning sensation and chronically may cause esophageal erosion and/or cancer.


Nausea after meals

Stomach fullness

Upper abdominal pain

Esophageal irritation and discomfort

Chronic diarrhea

Frequent trips to the bathroom

Bloody stool

May be a result of Clostridium difficile infection (elderly)

Vitamin B1 deficiency, often due to alcohol consumption

Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)

Gas, bloating

Diarrhea, constipation

Keratosis pilaris (chicken skin on back of arms, from lack of vitamin A and essential fats?)

Fatigue, brain fog

Autoimmune problems (like Hashimoto’s)

Migraine headaches

Anemia (lack of iron)


Easy skin bruising (lack of vitamin C?)

Weight loss due to avoidance of food

Panic attacks

Vitamin deficiencies

Rash on elbows, knees, buttocks

Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease)

Abdominal pain




Blood in stool

Reduced appetite

Joint pain


H pylori

Celery seed extract

Allicin from fresh-crushed garlic clove or buffered garlic capsule

Mastic gum

Mastic gum

Indigestion is significantly relieved by 350 mg of mastic gum 3 times daily.

Zinc carnosine

Supplemental vitamin C and E may be beneficial in limiting inflammation caused by H. pylori.

Gastric ulcers (H pylori with ulcer)

Licorice root is helpful in the treatment of existing gastric ulcers

Licorice root is helpful at inhibiting H pylori from adhering to stomach tissue.

Licorice root extract serves as an anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of gastric ulcers.

Deglycyrrhinated licorice (DGL) is preferred as it doesn’t raise blood pressure.

Deglycyrrhinated licorice reduces damage to the gastric lining caused by aspirin

DGL is effective in the treatment of ulcers.

Allicin from fresh-crushed garlic clove or buffered garlic capsule

Vitamin A

Vitamin A or beta carotene as precursor to vitamin A protects the mucus lining in the digestive tract.

Vitamin A prevents micro-bleeding induced by anti-inflammatory drugs

Probiotics (acidophilus, bifidus)

Lactose intolerance

Lactase enzymes may be helpful.

Reduction of dose (1 glass of milk) or avoidance of milk and dairy products altogether.

Candida Albicans (yeast overgrowth)

Avoidance of refined sugars

Carvacrol from oil of oregano and cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon are effective at eradicating Candida albicans (yeast infection)

Carvacrol (oregano) and eugenol (cloves) found effective against Candida albicans.

Allicin from garlic found equal to or more effective than common anti-fungal drug.

Allicin (garlic) found to reduce Candida albicans in diabetic mice.

Cloves effectively suppress Candida albicans.


Fennel to reduce heartburn symptoms, intestinal gas.

A number of natural healers attest to the successful use of acid supplements (betaine hydrochloride) with meals to resolve heartburn symptoms.

Though there are no studies, use of alkaline minerals (magnesium, baking soda) often provides instant relief.

Avoidance of eating late at night before bedtime reduces acid reflux.  Propping pillows to keep the head up during sleep also is helpful.

Lack of stomach acid (hypochlorhydria, achlorhydria)

Follow anti-H pylori regimen

Supplement diet with zinc which is needed to make hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Take betaine hydrochloride with meals to provide supplemental acid source.

Leaky gut

L-arginine supplementation preserves the integrity of the intestinal barrier.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are considered barrier diseases where the mucus lining of the digestive tract is not maintained.  Anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor) agents acting as anti-inflammatory agents are employed for this purpose.

Zinc sulfate supplementation, 110 mg three times a day, has been shown to intestinal barrier permeability.

Quercetin may be helpful for cases of inflammatory bowel disease including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Probiotics, namely non-pathogenic acid-forming bacteria (acidophilus, bifidus) are deemed to be helpful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Glutamine supplementation is widely believed to help restore proper gut permeability.  However,glutamine supplementation was not found to reduce symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease in one study.  Glutamine has been shown to aid in the healing of the gastric tract following radiation treatment.

Vitamin D may be helpful at inhibiting food allergies brought on by “leaky gut.”

Inflammatory bowel disorders (Crohn’s, colitis)

Avoidance of milk; may harbor bacterium (paratuberculosis) responsible for Crohn’s

Lack of vitamin D may compromise the mucus barrier of the digestive tract.

There is a growing body of evidence that vitamin D supplementation may be helpful for inflammatory bowel diseases.

Resveratrol, the red wine molecule, shows promise in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.

Aloe vera gel appears to be beneficial for ulcerative colitis.

Allicin from garlic has been shown to be beneficial for intestinal inflammation.

Best to supplement the diet with vitamin C, niacin and zinc which are commonly deficient among Crohn’s sufferers.

Irritable bowel (chronic diarrhea)

High-dose vitamin D supplementation (reported to resolve 70% of cases)

Supplemental vitamin B6

Thiamin (vitamin B1) as benfotiamine (fat soluble B1)

Mastic gum

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) and vitamin B3 (niacin).  Habitual consumption of coffee, tea or alcohol or use of antacids block absorption of vitamin B1.




Avoid iron pills, calcium pills

Gluten intolerance (celiac)

Supplement diet with vitamin C

A number of supplemental vitamins are suggested to make up for nutrient deficiencies among subjects with gluten intolerance.  Click here for list.

Poor bile flow; sludgy bile, gall bladder congestion

Taurine (thins the bile)

IP6 rice bran (dissolves calcium and cholesterol stones in the gall bladder which delivers bile to the stomach)

Apple pectin

©2014 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

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