This is the biggest challenge (with lack of motivation being a close second) that I deal with in running my own business. I honestly forget that I just cannot do it all. Over-scheduling is a plague that follows me around when I can’t remember that I am not Superwoman. Although, sometimes I wonder if even Superwoman could make it through the amount of work I “plan” for myself. Please bear with me. I’m still (always) figuring out how to do this and be productive.
Eyeball Amigurumi are coming to the shop soon, because I’m freeing up time to make them! Like a normal human being!
Last week I accomplished so much. I felt awesome. It was the best week I have had in months. The blog suffered. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t manage to write the 5 blog posts I had planned. I think I got 2 posts in. Just write it, Jess. This was different though. I over-scheduled my days. I consistently do this. It’s like planning too much is part of my job. I cannot blog 5 days a week. I do not have the time. This is my reality. I’m cool with that.
I like blogging. I like writing. I like creating better. Last week I remembered how much I like creating. I also remembered that I have to take care of myself. Trying to jam too much work into a too rigid schedule just stresses me out, and (surprise!) I am less productive. I’d rather tone back the blogging (not too much) and have time to make awesome things that I can put on the blog. Quality over quantity? That’s a thing, right?
Anyway. I’m working on being more productive. I want new things for you every week. I want cool crochet patterns for you. I want to spin EVERY DAY. I am focusing on completely enjoying my work. I’ve planned a few really fun projects, and I’m excited to get to work.
What do you do to keep your tasks in line? Do you often catch yourself stressing yourself out because you forget that you aren’t Superwoman (or Superman)?
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