
The University of Central Florida video game design graduate school is ranked No. 1 in North America, according to The Princeton Review.

For the past two years, the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, the anchor of UCF’s planned downtown campus, was ranked No. 2 on the list, according to News 6.

The Princeton Review has ranked the top graduate video game schools six times. The FIEA has ranked in the top five every year, according to News 6.

The FIEA has enrolled more than 500 students since opening in 2005, according to News 6.

Graduates are employed by more than 130 companies around the globe, including Google, Microsoft, Disney, Nintendo, and Electronic Arts.

The average starting salary for FIEA graduates is $63,000, according to News 6.

The FIEA is located in UCF’s Center for Emerging Media building in Downtown Orlando. The proposal for a new Center for Emerging Media would have the school join a new academic building that both UCF and Valencia would share, according to News 6.

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