
Tamil Nadu’s first IMAX screen at Luxe Cinemas at Phoenix Market City in Velachery, will be thrown open to public on Friday.

On Tuesday Nov 17,2015, the Luxe multiplex’s website, jazzcinemas.com, announced that the tickets for the latest ‘James Bond’ movie, Spectre, featuring Daniel Craig, which becomes the first film to be screened in an IMAX screen in Chennai, will be put up for sale late in the night.

The announcement has put an end to a long and frustrating wait for the fans who couldn’t catch

Hollywood blockbusters such as The Dark Knight Rises and Gravity in the IMAX format despite Chennai boasting of not one but two IMAX screens – one in Palazzo at Vijaya Forum Mall and another in Luxe cinemas at Phoenix Market City. But both, not yet open to the public for viewing

The officials of Luxe Cinemas say that their IMAX screen will have 428 seats and that the rate of admission has been fixed at Rs. 360, plus other charges (extra charge of Rs. 30 for 3D glasses and Rs. 30 for booking through the website)

What is special?

So what is special about an IMAX? The size of IMAX screen is larger than the average ones – it is in the form of a curve and literally stretches from the floor to the ceiling and from wall-to-wall. It is constructed in such a way that it gives an immersive experience to the audience, bringing them closer to the images on screen.

As the cost of setting up an IMAX screen and projecting movies in IMAX format is expensive, the multiplexes had requested the government to allow them to raise the ticket prices for the IMAX screen from the government-mandated upper limit of Rs. 120.

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