Yikes, just the thought of this make us want to squirm around in angst! A woman in Chennai, India was admitted to the hospital earlier this week after feeling strange sensations in her eyes and nose. The crazy part is before she experienced the symptoms, she recalled that an insect crept into her nostril and made its way inside her head. She tried to blow her nose in hopes the critter would come out but it had successfully climbed up her nose. She proceeded with a nasal endoscopy that showed the doctors everything they needed to see; cockroach sitting on her skull between her eyes for 12 hours.
Dr. Shankar of the Stanley Medical College Hospital told a local news site, “This is the first such case I have seen in my three decades of practice.” The patient also mentioned to the new site, “I could not explain the feeling but I was sure it was some insect. There was a tingling, crawling sensation. Whenever it moved, it gave me a burning sensation in my eyes. I spent the entire night in discomfort, sitting up and waiting for dawn to go to Stanley hospital after getting the reference of a doctor from my employer.”
The awful part? The cockroach did not want to come out! The bug managed to stay clung to the tissues even after a suction device was used. The doctors had to use a combo of suction and forceps to pull the insect out. The doctors exclaimed it was “huge.” Sorry if you were eating while reading this.
If you dare, watch the video below: