Sunday, (Oct 20) – Pray for us to have feet that are beautiful in God’s eyes, hearts that echo God’s heart for the lost, and hands with which He can use to bless others, especially those who are still not in the kingdom of God. Pray that God will give us such a passion for the lost that we will share the Gospel with them and not be fearful of being laughed at or looking foolish, or being rejected or making the other person angry. Pray that if we feel we do not know what to say or how to say it, we will make a conscious effort to be equipped, e.g. to enroll in the next XEE Semester. Pray that pre-believers will be able to see that we are people with “beautiful feet” that bring them the Good News.
Monday, (Oct 21) – Pray for the church leaders as they meet for the Church Planning Sessions 2014 this Friday and Saturday (October 25 & 26, 2013). Pray that the Lord will prepare the leaders to be ready for, and sensitive to, the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance. Pray for hearts to be humble, united and open. Pray that in all deliberations, God’s will and not man’s will be done, so that all the church’s plans and programmes for 2014 will bring glory to God. Pray for God’s strength and power to sustain all the leaders throughout the planning sessions, and also the LCEC meeting that follows on Saturday.
Tuesday, (Oct 22) – Pray for the next generation in our church – the children and youths, that every single one of them will have a living relationship with Jesus, and a deep hunger for God and His Word. Pray that they will be full of God’s Spirit, be led by the Spirit, and live by the Spirit. As they need godly and loving spiritual fathers and mothers, pray that the young adults and adults in our church will rise up to fulfill this role, and help the next generation encounter God by strengthening and encouraging them, and by mentoring them. Pray also for the youths and children as they face important school examinations during this time, for God’s blessing upon them as they sit for their exams.
Wednesday, (Oct 23) – Pray for Wesley Methodist School, Klang: As the school term comes to a close soon, pray for all those taking the Form 5 exams. Pray also for a good school enrolment in 2014. Pray for wisdom on the principal, Mrs Ann Khoo, and staff as they think of ways to publicize the school in Klang and its surrounding areas. Pray for the Christian witness in the school and that students will attend youth activities /events of the surrounding churches in this vicinity, especially during the school holidays.
Thursday, (Oct 24) – Pray for the Nation: Pray for the court decision to disallow the use of the name "Allah" by non-Muslims. Pray for wisdom and courage for the Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet to do the right thing. Pray that those who utter threats and irresponsible remarks will be held responsible for what they say. Pray for the Christians, especially those in Sabah and Sarawak, to remain calm and not to resort to ways that dishonour the Lord, but to take a firm stand for our constitutional rights, and for religious freedom. Pray also for our national Church leaders, that as they make a strong stand, God will give them “words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.” (Luke 21:15)
Friday, (Oct 25) – Pray for TRAC: TRAC President, Rev Dr T. Jeyakumar was recently conferred with a doctorate (Doctor of Ministry) from the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary. As we congratulate him on this honour, let us pray that God will continue to give him love and wisdom in all things, especially as he leads the Trinity Annual Conference.
Saturday, (Oct 26) – Pray for the World: Pray that the government in Thailand will allow Christian organisations greater freedom and access to the country to expand their ministries. Pray for a spiritual breakthrough in Thailand, a country that is held captive by strong idol worship. Pray also for Thai Christians to be able to express their faith without losing their cultural identity. Pray for the Karen people, who are part of the 1.2 million refugees who fled Myanmar to Thailand, for God to send His people to reach out with compassionate, holistic ministry to these desperate people.