We have really been enjoying our summer tour of the Toronto Public Libraries. So far we have visited the Pape & Danforth branch and the Beaches branch. This week we are heading a little further west to one of the oldest branches in the city, the Riverdale branch. My girls were attending camp at Riverdale Farm, an amazing farm in the city, and we decided to hop over to the library on our way home one day. This is another one of those places that we drive past at least once a week and yet we never take the time to go inside.
The Riverdale branch is located at the corner of Gerrard Street, East and Broadview Road. This area of our city is referred to as "Little Chinatown" or "Chinatown East". Across the street from the library branch sits a magnificent archway, welcoming visitors to the area.
The hustle and bustle of the city are right outside the library doors.
The Riverdale branch was first opened in 1910. The library is surrounded by many large maple trees...glorious green space. We couldn't wait to step inside the gigantic front doors.
Inside we were not disappointed. It was easy to spot the children's section!
The children's area had a comfortable banquette under a large bay window, the perfect spot to perch and read a book.
The most impressive feature of this branch is its Chinese collection. The Riverdale branch reflects the surrounding neighbourhood and had a substantial adult and children's collection of Chinese literature.
We spent some time cruising the shelves and reading in the seated area. We are so glad that we finally made the time to visit this most impressive branch.
Let's break it down....
Parking - the Gerrard St. streetcar stops right outside the branch, there is paid street parking and a paid parking lot across the street (north/west corner)
washrooms - the washrooms are located near the front doors
children's collection/area - great children's area located on the main level, separate from the adult area of the library, plenty of space to read and a number of computers available
bonus features - beautiful architecture! incredible collection of Chinese literature, large children's program area for story times, etc, they also host a number of ESL programs and newcomer workshops
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