
According to the Omaha Police Officers Association (POA), there is a “terrible cycle of violence and thuggery” that is rampant throughout the city. The union’s idea of what a thug represents, though, is a Black diapered toddler who swears and makes lewd hand gestures throughout a homemade video. Now the union has come under fire for reportedly promoting the footage on their website in an effort to stave off the increasing problem of inner city crime, reports Gawker.

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The revolting footage of a baby boy spewing obscenities and repeating vile dialogue as he is antagonized by two purported relatives is an incendiary depiction, and many who have viewed it, agree that it is heartbreaking to watch. The police union says, however, that the video is local and the adults are not breaking any laws.

Watch the unfortunate video here:

The law enforcement organization posted the following explanation with regards to the video on their website:

“…despite the fact that it is sickening, heartbreaking footage, we have an obligation to share it to continue to educate the law-abiding public about the terrible cycle of violence and thuggery that some young innocent children find themselves helplessly trapped in.  Now while we didn’t see anything in this video that is blatantly ‘illegal’, we sure did see a lot that is flat-out immoral and completely unhealthy for this little child from a healthy upbringing standpoint.”

The POA post continues to state to the public that they are “literally watching ‘the cycle’ of violence continue right in front of your eyes. A powerful cycle that must be broken if we ever hope to get a handle on violence in Omaha. A powerful cycle that the police alone cannot stop.”

Union President John Wells, a sergeant in the Omaha Police Department, told Gawker that the term “thug” is used as a “general term on our Facebook page,” but that it could be substituted by a variety of other terms such as “abnormal, antisocial, criminal.”

Wells compared the video of the toddler to the city’s street violence, saying that “a lot of these children end up dealing with law enforcement. I’m not saying that this kid won’t grow up to be a productive member of society.”

According to Wells, the video’s creator, who is reportedly the child’s uncle, is a “local thug” but there is no confirmation as to whether he is a gang member.

In a town where the racial mixes are reportedly segregated for the most part, residents, according to Wells, tend to unfortunately disregard criminal activity, particularly if the event did not occur in their neck of the woods.

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