
Some people wonder why one would stay in a Rio apartment rental than in one of the fine hotels in Rio de Janeiro. We'll the answer is about privacy and convenience. With a hotel you get room service, maid service, usually a nice view, and security. But what you do not get is privacy and a relaxed at home feeling.

Renting an apartment in Rio allows you the comfort of a private residence. There is no checking in with the front desk, no one telling you that you can not have guests in your apartment, and no hawkers standing outside our apartment trying to sell souvenirs like they do in front of hotels. If you cook, you have a full kitchen, and are able to buy your own food at a local market instead of paying high hotel prices for meals.

Children are another concern. Hotels are usually too small to be comfortable when you travel with children. When you rent an apartment in Rio, you can choose 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms and at a better price. "I find that once clients see the quality, comfort and security of our rental apartments, they never want to go back to staying in hotels." B. Jones of Said Http://www.Rio-Apartment-Rentals.com

For those that like the comfort of hotel services, there are Rio apartment that rival the best hotels in Rio. Room service, daily maid service, restaurants , gym, high speed internet are all available at luxury oceanfront Rio apartment rentals.

Traveling to Brazil When, Consider staying in one 's of these fine Rio apartment rentals .

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