Landscape Architecture philosophy is to create a design that naturally integrates your landscape, house and lifestyle to create a restful, serene outdoor living area for your family to enjoy for many years to come. your designers studies your site characteristics, such as size and shape of the lot, exposure (to sun, shade, wind, rain and snow), soils, slope, neighborhood, style of house, utility access and existing plants. Garden designs can range from formal to naturalistic, and from simple to complex. Landscape design drawings are designed uniquely suited to both the individual site and the expressed desires of the client. Outdoor designs are concerned with small and large site projects. Landscape plantings, however, are at their worst when new and should improve with age.
Design principles include unit, balance, transition, focalization, proportion, rhythm, repetition and simplicity. Design approach is also an important factor influencing maintenance requirements. Design the details for your landscape design that can include arbors, edgings, fences, gates, sheds, gazebos, playgrounds, pools, grills and more. Use a lot of free curves in your design which give the illusion of even more space. Do-it-yourselves must first learn the basic designing elements that underline the discipline of landscape design. One initial purpose of landscape design is to blend man’s construction (house or building) into the natural surroundings. The landscape designer should consider the color changes throughout the year when developing a landscape plan.
Garden-making concerns the relationship of the human being to his natural surroundings and an awareness of the interplay between objects occupying outdoor space.
Conduct a Site Analysis to complete a survey of the customer’s property is essential. The plot plan will assist you in organizing the information from the site analysis. During the site analysis, views should be observed from inside the house to outside and from outside to inside the house. Costly and undesirable maintenance practices and the need for site modifications can be minimized of avoided by including maintenance considerations and the use of IPM throughout the planning and design phase of a landscape development project. A thorough site analysis can save you time and money. In most cases, designing for low-maintenance and utilization of IPM is quite straight forward, the same principles generally apply from site to site, and their application will not significantly increase the design and construction expenses of a project (particularly when life-cycle costs and benefits are considered). Landscape design drawings are produced to be uniquely suited to both the personal site and the expressed desires of the client. You’ll enjoy the fun of being involved in the landscape design process, and you will benefit from a design based on your unique site and personal preferences. Plantings in the public area should focus attention to the entrance.
The public area is the portion of the residential landscape the public sees and uses. The current trend toward smaller residential lots encourages the development of some of the front yard for family living. Symmetrical balance has been overdone in residential landscape design. Asymmetrical balance is often more desirable for residential landscapes as balance is created without monotony.
Do-it-yourselves must first learn the basic designing elements that underline the discipline of landscape design. Professional landscape architecture helps to prevent the usual problems of old retaining walls, dying plants, bug and pest infestation, fading rotting wood, sagging tilting fences, and pathways and driveways that sink. Practically speaking, landscape architecture and landscape design are almost one in the same, if done properly according to the science, knowledge and skill that should be utilized. Wherever you are, we can serve you with professional landscape design services.