

1) Clean and Jerk

1 power clean+ 1 FS + 1 jerk 4 x 1 at best weight possible

2) Clean Pulls 4 x 3 at 100% best clean s.s. :60 sec freestanding handstands in room.  Total accumulated time/round

3) back Squat 4 x 3 to heaviest for 3 then 2 x 12 FS at 75% of best bs from today.”


1) Snatch 3 x 2 Hi hang snatch AT your heaviest

2) Snatch pulls 4 x 3 at 105% of best snatch

3) Big Christine”"  3 RFT:  500m Row  12 Deads, 315/225  21 Box Jumps, 30/24″” – games standards


1.  Big Clean Complex  6 climbing sets of:  High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press  High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk  High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk Each set of the “Big Clean Complex” consists of 12 unbroken reps.  Repeat this sequence six times, resting as needed between sets and climb up in weight every set.

2.  Gymnastics Skills

A.  3×20 Unbroken C2B- rest as needed between sets.

B.  30 Burpee Muscle ups for time – rings set at six inches above max reach.


1) Deadlift Build to a heavy triple

2.)Gymnastic Benchmark  50 Strict HSPU for time

3) Metcon

10 RFT:

7 C2B

14 Push ups

21 Squats



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