
January not only marks the start of a new year, its also Get Organized Month, and now is the perfect time to take steps towards a clutter-free home. Below are some easy declutter and organization tips for your home:

• Purge: if you cant remember the last time you used something, theres a good chance you dont need it. Purge, and purge often.

• Tackle a little each day: trying to do this one day will leave you overwhelmed. Identify and prioritize the trouble spots in your home, and tackle a little bit each day.

• Use unused space wisely: install hooks, and use labels, shelves, etc. The more tools you can use to organize easier, the better.

• Identify a place for everything: everything needs to have a home, so if you find things that currently dont have a home, create one.

• File things, now: identify a place for all your coupons, mail, bills, etc. and file things the second you are done with them.

Good luck tackling clutter in your home this month

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