Dear Parents, Staff and Girls,
I do hope you enjoyed the half term break and have returned refreshed in order to approach the last few weeks of the final term.
The Junior School staff and girls enjoyed a most enjoyable, relaxing start to the half term by having the annual School Picnic in celebration of Kingsmead’s 83rd Birthday! My thanks to Mrs. Kaplan for taking time out to assist us in the cutting of our birthday cake.
Congratulations to our U13 Water polo team who participated in the St Stithians tournament over the half term break. Our girls achieved 3rd place! There were 58 school participating! This is amazing!
Back row (L to R): Olivia Davidson (Vice- captain), Amy Clowes, Megan Eddison, Kate Galloway, Carmen Lyons
Front row (L to R): Kaylin Aspoas, Hannah Schleicher (Captain), Siphosethu Mnguni, Jenna Schwegmann, Mia Nunez,
I am looking forward to meeting the grandparents of our Grade 1 – 3 girls on Friday, 28th October at our Grandparents Concert in the Joel Hall. Please note that the girls may leave school with their parents/grandparents after the concert. However, if this is not possible, the teachers will be in their classrooms to supervise the girls.
Kindly RSVP by clicking here.
I mentioned in my previous newsletter that I would be giving our parents an outline of the planned staffing for 2017.
As you have been informed I shall be retiring at the end of the 1st term 2017 with Mrs. Kim Lowman, who is Deputy Head at St Stithians Preparatory School taking over from the 2nd term of 2017.
Mrs. MacKeown – Head of the Senior Primary phase will be leaving at the end of this year. Mrs. MacKeown’s position has been filled by Ms Marisa Di Terlizzi who is presently also at St Stithians. Ms Di Terlizzi will take up the position of Head of the Senior Primary as from the 2nd term of 2017 (Beginning of May).
With Mrs. Caron Lawrence having resigned, we have appointed Mrs. Lisa O’Donovan into the Grade 0 position and appointed Mrs. Hannli Prinsloo to teach the Buttercups as from January, 2017.
Mrs. Paula Schefermann will not be returning from her maternity leave and will be replaced by Mrs. Lorna Rait for the 1st term of Grade Two. As from the second term Mrs. Rait will be replaced by Mrs. Karen Goddard who is presently a teacher at Pridwin. Mrs. Rait will then move into Grade 1M at the start of the second term to enable Miss Mannie to take her term of long leave.
As Mrs. Brooks (Grade 4B) will be taking her leave in the first term of 2017, we have been very fortunate in keeping Mrs. Sharon Jones on for the term. Mrs. Jones will be teaching the Grade 4B class in the first term with Mrs. Brooks returning as from the start of the second term.
We shall be welcoming Mrs. Elizabeth Donaldson (Grade 7 English) and Mrs. Lauren Myburgh (Grade 5 English) as of January, 2017.
Mrs. Tania O’Maker will be moving into the position of Library Media Specialist as from next year and join Mrs. Lulu Buger in the implementation of our Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) approach which will become effective throughout the school as from the second term of 2017. Parents will be receiving more information about this at the Introductory Talks during the first fortnight of the new term of 2017.
In order to give you an idea of the core subject teaching in the Senior Primary phase, please see the table below:
Grade 7:
Register class teachers: Ms. von Hoesslin, Mrs. Basnett and Mrs. Donaldson
English: Mrs. Donaldson (all three classes)
Afrikaans: Mrs. Potgieter and Mrs. O’Neil
isiZulu: Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Mthethwa
Mathematics: Ms. von Hoesslin, Mrs. Dalling and Mrs. Basnett
History: Mrs. Sharp
Geography: Mrs. Beekhuizen
Science: McLaren
Grade 6:
Register class teachers: Mrs. Cressy, Mrs. McLaren and Mrs. Potgieter
English: Mrs. Cressy
Afrikaans: Mrs. Potgieter
isiZulu: Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Mthethwa
Mathematics: Ms. von Hoesslin, Mrs. Dalling and Mrs. Basnett
History: Mrs. Cressy
Geography: Mrs. Pruett (will be replaced by Ms Di Terlizzi in Term 2)
Science: Mrs. McLaren
Grade 5:
Register class teachers: Mrs. Myburgh, Mrs. O’Neil and Mrs. Dalling
English: Mrs. Myburgh
Afrikaans: Mrs. O’Neil
isiZulu: Mrs. Mthethwa
Mathematics: Ms. von Hoesslin, Mrs. Dalling and Mrs. Basnett
History: Mrs. Clegg
Geography: Mrs. Pruett (will be replaced by Ms Di Terlizzi in Term 2)
Science: Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. Basnett, Mrs. Myburgh
Grade 4:
Register class teachers and subject teachers: Mrs. Gouviea, Mrs. Jones (Brooks – T2) Mrs. Turner
Grade 3:
Register class teachers: Miss Gibb, Miss Botha and Mrs. Tompson
Grade 2:
Register class teachers: Mrs. Gilbert (nee Bray), Mrs. Drake and Mrs. Rait (Goddard – T2)
Grade 1:
Register class teachers: Miss Mannie, Mrs. Frolich and Mrs. Linsell
Grade 0:
Register class teachers: Mrs. Scorgie, Mrs. Denise Schefermann and Mrs. O’Donovan
Grade 00 (Buttercups)
Register class teacher: Mrs. Prinsloo
Grade 000 (Bluebells)
Register class teacher: Mrs. Hall
I trust this will give you some idea as to what is planned for next year. We shall now commence compiling the timetable for 2017.
Staff are also in the throes of preparing class lists for 2017. These will be published before the close of the year.
The week ahead:
Wednesday: 26th October
07:45 Grade 5 and 6 isiZulu cycle test
07:45 Grade 7 Knowledge Network examination in the Computer Laboratory
Thursday: 27th October
Grade 0 Outing to ‘Old MacDonald’s Farm’ – there will be no extra mural activities for the Grade 0 girls on this day
Grade 5 parents will receive a letter from Information Technology teachers outlining the ipad requirements for your daughter as she enters Grade 6 in the year ahead.
Friday: 28th October
07:45 Normal assembly
09:30 Grade 1 – 3 Grandparents Concert in the Joel Hall (the Grade 1- 3 girls may be excused after the concert, however for parents who are unable to collect their daughters, they may remain at school with their teachers until the normal closing time)
Grade 6 visit to the Medical Museum at Wits University – this outing will be finally decided on once the safety of the girls has been assured, parents will be kept updated.
Prestige Athletics meeting at St Stithians
Monday: 31th October
07:45 Assembly: KCC and Car park draw to take place
18:30 Ensemble evening at The Edge – St Mary’s
Term 3B Extracurricular programme commences
Excellence in Education Finalist Award
We are excited to have one of our Grade 7 groups achieve in the Excellence in Education Awards. Our girls feature within the top 3 of the 2016 Curriculum Challenge Award. It was a tough competition . The international judges were from Ireland , Apple Education Trainers : Patrick McGrath and Michael O’KaneiTeach. We will be attending the awards ceremony on Wednesday evening, where the category winner will be announced. Congratulations to Gallia Fenster, Arya Naidoo, Stephanie Behr and Olivia Brown on the successful submission of the Organelles of The Animal Cell.
The Excellence in Education Awards is a vehicle for teachers and students to creatively explore using Apple Technology in bringing the curriculum to life. Apple technology lends itself and demonstrates to not only bringing learning to life, but leading students to critical thinking, innovation and collaboration.
On Thursday, 13th October the A/B teams played against St Teresa’s and won 107 – 55. Well done to all the players. You did Kingsmead proud!
The C/D teams played against Holy Rosary and won 74 – 52.
Our tennis is improving every week! Well done to all the players. Keep challenging and attending the practices.
Our next tennis matches will be on Thursday, 27th October. The A/B Teams will play against St Stithians at ST STITHIANS and the C/D Teams will play against Roedean at KINGSMEAD. Please NOTE that there is a change in order on the Tennis Ladder and therefor the team will be as follows:
A – Team:
Bianca Savillano-Barredo
Carmen Lyons
Grace Munro
Kate Galloway
Jessica Bennett
Kristin Brown
B – Team:
Natalie Solomon
Alexandra Liston
Emily Baker
Lami’a Mahomed
Anne-Marie Sutherland
Alexa Kohler
C – Team:
Hannah Hall
Nomathemba Magwegwe
Catherine Leppan
Amy Dickinson
Sarah Kwant
Alessia Losciale
Megan Rogan
Morgan Kohler
Liyanna Carim
Christiane du Plooy
Tshiamo Mchunu
Alison Marshall
Leah Falcon
Isabella Sardi
On Friday 14th October, we participated at Holy Rosary. The competition was tough and the following schools participated: Holy Rosary, St Mary’s, St Andrew’s and Kingsmead. The athletes really ran like stars and the results were as follows: Holy Rosary 4th with 277 points, St Andrew’s 3rd with 304 points, St Mary’s 2nd with 390 points and KINGSMEAD in the first position with 397 points! Well done to all the athletes! You did Kingsmead proud!
Congratulations to the following athletes who ended in the top 3 positions:
Long Jump: Emma Glyn-Jones
Junior 800m: Anne-Marie Sutherland
Senior 800m: Isabella Cochran
Grade 6 Hurdles: Courtney Barrow
Grade 7 Hurdles: Emma Gouws
Sprints: Morgan Easter, Francesca Druce, Lucy Davis, Mia Simcock, Carys Glyn-Jones, Chrismarie Chalmers, Zahra Khan, Jessica Stevens, Neo Shibambo, Ella Amrein, Jessica Black, Isabella Botha, Nikiwe Madale, Dayaanah Joosub, Isabella Cochrane, Elizabeth Oelofsen, Louise Dunn, Isabella Gaul, Tyra Johnston, Akinyi Lester, Nivarya Naidoo, Olivia Davidson, Emma Gouws, Olivia Brown, Amy Clowes, Lia Valle.
Relays: Grade 3A&B, 4A&B, 5A&B, 6A&B and Grade 7A&7B.
Congratulations to the whole Kingsmead team! You were GREAT!
We need to be COMMITTED, POSITIVE, but most of ALL PROUD to be part of the KINGSMEAD ATHLETICS SQUAD!!!!
Our next meeting will be on Friday, 28th October AT ST STITHIANS. This is our
27th October: NO School related Extra Murals for Grade 0.
Water polo
Our u13 water polo team placed 3rd overall at the St Stithian’s water polo tournament this past weekend.
They were all extremely happy to have been awarded the bronze medal at the prize giving on Sunday. Jenna Schwegmann was also awarded goal keeper of the tournament.
Girls who participated in the tournament are as follows:
Jenna Schwegmann
Hannah Schleicher (Captain)
Olivia Davidson (Vice- captain)
Kaylin Aspoas
Carmen Lyons
Siphosethu Mnguni
Amy Clowes
Mia Nunez
Kate Galloway
Megan Eddison
The Sports Department is having an International sports day fundraiser on the 28th October. The aim is to collect any old items of sport goods or clothing that you are not using to donate to a charity.
Dear Junior Orchestra Parents
St Mary’s ensemble evening
We are looking forward to our performance at the annual St Mary’s Ensemble evening on Monday 31 October. The event will run as before, with each school performing their own items, culminating in the combined items. Girls are to wear their summer uniform with their blazers and look smart. There will be a room for us to leave our instruments; please remind your daughters to collect all their belongings before you leave at the end of the evening.
The details are as follows:
Venue: The Edge auditorium, St Mary’s School
Time: 17h00 to 17h45 Combined rehearsal
(Girls are to meet Morné at the auditorium by 16h45)
17h45 to 18h15 Refreshments served to the children
Tea and coffee served to the parents
18h30 to 19h45 Concert
We hope to see many of you there to cheer us on!
Elsabé Fourie – Director of Music & Arts
Grade 4-7 Music Concert
The concert is scheduled to take place on Monday 7 November at 17h30. This term the interest to perform in this concert has been so great that we have decided to split the grades so as to allow all the girls who want to perform, the opportunity to do so:
Grade 4 & 5: 17h00 – 18h00
Tea: 18h00 – 18h15
Grade 6 & 7: 18h15 – 19h15
We hope to see you there!
Choir Performances
As our choirs have not yet had a performance opportunity this term, both the Grade 2 & 3 and Grade 4-7 choirs will perform on Monday 7 November in assembly.
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