Hey Kinggers,
As some of you know, we have been working around the clock, for the past several months on redesigning the site. While there’s still a lot to do, we are releasing the new design TODAY and will continue working to improve it even further.
Below are some of the new changes:
The entire site is now FULLY mobile responsive!
This took a really long time and has been the most difficult aspect of the update. It’s not easy making an existing site mobile responsive, especially a site with themes that were not originally designed to be responsive. More so, with a site as big as Kingged with over 300,000 pages, many of them very different from each other, it certainly wasn’t a walk in the park, .
You can imagine the difficulty of making a site this huge to be not only mobile responsive, but compatible with as many mobile devices as possible.
While it currently responds to most mobile devices, it’s better to use either Google Chrome, Opera or any of the popular mobile browsers.
Of course we are still checking out for bugs and will be further improving this as we go along, so feel free to report bugs or issues when you find them.
Instant 1-click Feedback ability now added to all the pages
As you can see on the bottom right hand side of every page on the site, you can instantly leave a feedback if you find any bugs/issues or just want to tell us you like or hate the new design. We are open to constructive feedback,
But note that this is not a support ticket. If you want to contact us, use our support ticket –> http://www.KinggedSupport.com This will open a support ticket for you and you will get a response back.
Some color changes and font/images changes
Though not conclusive yet, we have changed some of the colors, fonts/images, etc to see how the feedback goes. We will improve on these further, depending on how much you like or don’t like the current colors, fonts/images.
Improved our algorithm for determining posts that appear on frontpage
We can turn any aspect on or off when we want to, but “some” of them include:
. How many “kings” a post gets
. How many “unking” a post gets
. How many “views” a post gets
. How many “clickthroughs” a post gets
. How many “bookmarks” a post gets
. How many “comments” a post gets
. How many “Favorites” a post gets
. How many “Twitter shares” a post gets
. How many “Facebook shares” a post gets
. How many “Google+ shares” a post gets
. How many “Linkedin shares” a post gets
. How many “StumpleUpon shares” a post gets
. How many “Other social media shares” a post gets
. How many “Featured Members’ kings” a post gets
. How many “Featured Members unkings” a post gets
. How many “Moderators kings” a post gets
. How many “Moderators unkings” a post gets
Apart from being able to turn on or off any of the above, we can change the numbers, up or down, depending on how things are going with the posts that appear on the frontpage.
So, can the system be “gamed” to have your post show up on the frontpage of Kingged?
Of course it can, but the idea is this:
. If your post gets lots of “kings”
. If your post doesn’t get “unkingged”
. If your post gets lots of “views”
. If your post gets lots of “clickthroughs”
. If your post gets lots of “bookmarks”
. If your post gets lots of “favorites”
. If your post gets lots of “comments”
. If your post gets lots of “Moderators kings”
. If your post doesn’t get lots of “Moderators Members unkings”
. If your post gets lots of “Featured Members kings”
. If your post doesn’t get lots of “Featured Members unkings”
. If your post gets lots of “Twitter shares”
. If your post gets lots of “Facebook shares”
. If your post gets lots of “Google+ shares”
. If your post gets lots of “Linkedin shares”
. If your post gets lots of “StumpleUpon shares”
. If your post gets lots of “Other Social Media shares”
Featured Members now given more prominence and more love
. All featured members now appear on all pages of the site, including homepage
. All featured members now get dofollow links on all pages of the site, including homepage
. All featured members now get +2 kings (upvotes) on any post they like [after one month]
. All featured members now get -2 unkings (downvotes) on any post they don’t like [after one month]
. All featured members now get certain number of posts “stickied” on homepage for 24 hours!
. All featured members now get certain number of products/services promoted by Kingged & Partners
Top Weekly Commenters now given more prominence and more love
. Top weekly commenters now appear on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly commenters now get dofollow links on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly commenters now get +2 kings (upvotes) on any post they like [after one month]
. Top weekly commenters now get -2 unkings (downvotes) on any post they don’t like [after one month
. All top weekly commenters now get certain number of posts "stickied" on homepage for 24 hours!
. All top weekly commenters now get certain number of products/services promoted by Kingged & Partners
Top Weekly Sharers now given more prominence and more love
. Top weekly Sharers now appear on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly Sharers now get dofollow links on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly Sharers now get +2 kings (upvotes) on any post they like [after one month]
. Top weekly Sharers now get -2 unkings (downvotes) on any post they don’t like [after one month
. All top weekly Sharers now get certain number of posts "stickied" on homepage for 24 hours!
. All top weekly Sharers now get certain number of products/services promoted by Kingged & Partners
Top Weekly Contributors now given more prominence and more love
. Top weekly Contributors now appear on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly Contributors now get dofollow links on all pages of the site, including homepage
. Top weekly Contributors now get +2 kings (upvotes) on any post they like [after one month]
. Top weekly Contributors now get -2 unkings (downvotes) on any post they don’t like [after one month
. All top weekly Contributors now get certain number of posts "stickied" on homepage for 24 hours!
. All top weekly Contributors now get certain number of products/services promoted by Kingged & Partners
The "Share" function now better improved
. Our Kin.gg url shortener now fully integrated with our share function
. Our Kin.gg url shortener creates a special short url for every single post
. Our system now set to kick off our "Share Daily And Win Cash" giveaway
. Our system will confirm if Twitter share actually happens, before allocating point
. Our system will confirm if Facebook share actually happens, before allocating point
. Our system will confirm if Google+ share actually happens, before allocating point
. Highest sharers daily widget now added to right hand side of every page
The "King This" and "Unking This" function further improved
. Now you can't "king" or "unking" a post multiple times
. Now you can't "king" and "unking" a post mutiple times
. Too many "unkings" can now get a post reported and likely removed
You can now "king" or "unking" comments
. "King" a comment that you think is awesome and valuable
. "Unking" a comment that you think is NOT awesome [crappy/spammy]
. Too many “unkings” can also get a comment reported and likely removed
Comments can now be sorted according to:
. Oldest to Newest comments [default]
. Newest to Oldest comments
. Most Kingged comments
. Least Kingged comments
You can now put posts in draft to edit/publish later
You can now better edit your post using “Thrive Content Builder” (alternative to Wp post)
More privacy for those who share posts:
Those who comment on shared posts will no longer have their details shown to the owner of the post. In the past when you comment on a post, the owner of the post is sent an email alerting them to the post. Problem was that the email included details of the commenter such as IP address, email address, etc.
Not anymore.
Of course owners of shared posts will still receive email alert when someone comments but the alert won’t indicate their personal details.
This was done now to prevent “bad” folks from mis-using the personal details of those who comment on their posts
To further keep spammers out:
. New users’ shared articles get moderated before going live
. New users’ unique articles get moderated before going live
. New users’ updates/posts on activity page get moderated before going live
. New users can’t send PM right after joining; they must get “trusted” first
. New users can’t do other “suspicious” activities right after joining!
Search button/function now upgraded:
. You can search all posts
. You can search all comments
. You can search both posts and comments
Our social media buttons now on all pages
. Follow us on Twitter
. Follow us on Facebook
. Follow us on Google+
More prominence given to YOUR commentluv links
Yes, everyone who comments can now get more eyes on their commentluv links. We have made the commentluv links not only blue and more eye-catching, but much more prominent, especially with the little box around them.
Ad spots available for purchase
After over 2 years of running Kingged without offering ad spots for sale, we will now be offering ad spots to those interested. More details coming soon…
Sponsored posts for those who want more views for their posts/products/services
Also, still in the works but those who want more views for their posts/products/services can now pay to have them “stickied” on the frontpage for 24 hours or more, depending on slot paid for. More details coming soon…
Our Kingged Marketplace getting ready to kick off
Also still in the works but we are getting pretty ready to kick this off. More details coming soon…
Other miscellaneous updates:
, We concluded our acquisition of the domain – www.Kinged.com with a single “g”
It cost us a staggering amount of money, far higher than any acquisition we ever did, but worth it. It was very expensive considering the fact that it’s short for King Edward “KingEd” (the name of several monarchs in English history), but we finally did it, after spending more than a year battling for it.
. Cookies on logged in members now lasts longer; meaning you shouldn’t get logged out that quickly after visiting and logging in to Kingged.
. The @username function which alerts members when they are mentioned is now further improved upon as it seemed not to work on all occasions
. You can now “report” a post that doesn’t adhere to the rules
. You can now click from bottom to return to top of page.
. And LOTS more…
There’s still a lot of work onging and we are open to feedback. Once again, you can instantly leave a feedback if you find any bugs/issues or just want to tell us you like or hate the new design. We are open to constructive feedback, But note that this is not a support ticket. If you want to contact us, use our support ticket –> http://www.KinggedSupport.com This will open a support ticket for you and you will get a response back.
P.S. The next beast to tackle is the slow loading/error loading issue on Kingged. We have also spent a long time on it but not yet resolved. So, I apologize again, for the continuous slow loading/error loading issue. It will be resolved soon, so please, hang in there,