
(MEDIA GENERAL) — As election results were rolling in around 10 p.m. ET and a Donald Trump victory seemed imminent, many Americans took to the internet to start making other plans–to move to Canada, that is.

So many, in fact that Canada’s immigration website crashed.

For many on social media, the irony was not lost.

Hi America
Moving to Canada is not a consolation prize. It is a privilege.

— Alice Moran (@Alice_Moran) November 9, 2016

Don't move to Canada. Go to law school and learn how government works and RUN FOR LOCAL OFFICE.

— Stella Bugbee (@stellabugbee) November 9, 2016

Canada's immigration website > Finishline splash page.

— Civilian At Earth (@MF_Brown) November 9, 2016

Text from my mom in Canada pic.twitter.com/gZOQncTaVh

— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) November 9, 2016

I was gonna write this as a joke but found out it was real. "The Canada Citizenship and Immigration site crashed around 8 PM" #electionnight

— Ben Schwartz (@rejectedjokes) November 9, 2016

Google searches for "how to move to Canada" during the past 4 hours. #ElectionNight pic.twitter.com/wuINuyX8iV

— Mic (@mic) November 9, 2016

BREAKING: Canada announces immediate construction of southern border wall

— Bradley Lautenbach (@lautenbach) November 9, 2016

For entry into Canada, Americans must first:

A) admit it's ham not back bacon
B) say sorry
C) proclaim hockey as the worlds greatest sport

— Corey Hirsch (@CoreyHirsch) November 9, 2016

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