
I chat to Meg Faure again now that Harry’s turned one, as it feels like things are changing up again, just when you feel like you’ve got the groove


When do toddlers drop the morning nap +-?

We are also battling to get Harry down at the moment (after a successful run of sleep training) it feels like we are back at square 1. I’m not sure if separation anxiety is at play perhaps.


Hi Kim

I can’t believe that Harry is 1! Time flies, especially when you are a busy mom.

Things do change rapidly in the toddler years and a new sleep pattern emerges. Between 12 and 14 months, Harry may start to fight one or both of his day sleeps. This is a sign that he is ready to drop to one day sleep. This sleep should be at 12-2pm for the toddler years (until preschool for some little ones). The question is – how do we make the shift from two sleeps to one midday sleep? The best thing to do is to merge the 9am and 1pm sleeps at 11am. So if he is tired at 9am, push him through to 11am by keeping him occupied and showing him interesting things. At 10:30am, give him a hearty snack (small lunch) and settle him to sleep at 11am. He will be exhausted and probably fall asleep with ease. He should sleep to 1pm or later (don’t wake him). Then bring bedtime forward to 6pm. If he has a short sleep at 11 or is exhausted at 4:30pm, give him a 15min catnap and ensure he is awake by 4:45pm.

Every few days, he will need two sleeps but will over a period of a month will drop the second sleep altogether. Then slowly move the midday sleep towards 12pm.

Separation anxiety raises its head intermittently through our little ones’ lives – typically at 9months and again in the toddler years. Its normal and needs to be managed with patience and love. Always say goodbye when you leave him and reunions must be joyful and show him that you do always return. Another nice idea is to schedule play time to top up his emotional reserves – check out my blog on this topic here.(A quick and easy – WONDERFUL read)

As always thanks Meg! For awesome baby and toddler advice – visit meg at megfaure.com

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