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<!--Price / RRP. Only change the RED part. If you want to remove RRP, simply delete the RED contents.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" style="width:60%">
<td style= "width:45%;text-align:left;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#ff0080">
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<!--Do not change this. 48 hours delivery estimate.-->
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<!--Product description. Do not change.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:100%">
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product details</b>
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product features</b>
<tr><td style="width:60%;vertical-align:top;">
<!--Start from here. Only change the RED text. Use <br> to create break points/start new line. Font code needs open/close tags, eg <i>example text</i>. <i> - Italics, <b> - Bold, <u> - Underline. -->
<b>Name</b>: Mini Travel System<br>
<b>Brand</b>: Venicci<br>
Venicci Mini is a stylish and functional 3in1 baby Travel System. The baby pram chassis is made from lightweight aluminium, making it easier for you to manoeuvre, plus with an adjustable suspension you can ensure your baby has a smooth ride on any type of ground.
The seat unit can be turned towards or in reverse, allowing your baby to face towards you or out towards the world, allowing you to have both the benefit of interacting with you little one or having them view their surroundings.<br><br>
The large lie flat carrycot provides ventilation in the hood to keep baby cool. You can also raise backrest in carrycot when baby wants to be more upright. There are 4 positions to chose from in total, with a click-mode easy release from the chassis function. <br><br>
The car seat is suitable from birth upto 10kg and can be fit on its own, with the Seatbelts, or with the ISOFIX Base. Weighing only 3.kgs the Venicci car seat is one of the lightest.
<td style="width:40%;vertical-align:top;text-align:justified;"><ul>
<!--Product feature list. Only change the RED text. To add a list item, make sure that the text has <li> and </li> tags before and after. <br> is not needed.-->
<li>Mattress included</li>
<li>Strong, durable, weather resistant UPF 50+ fabric</li>
<li>Luxury cotton lining</li>
<li>Adjustable hood</li>
<li>Leather finish handle</li>
<li>Detachable apron included</li>
<li>Click Mode</li>
<li>Five point fixed safety harness</li>
<li>Comfortable seat for baby with extra liner</li>
<li>Adjustable leg rest, handle height and harness height</li>
<li>Adjustable ,extendable hood</li>
<li>Seat faces both ways, back rest recline to multi-position</li>
<li>Car Seat adaptors included</li>
<!--Product specification. Do not change.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:650px">
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product specification</b>
<!--Start from here. Only change the RED text.-->
<tr><td> <b>Dimensions:</b> Folded no wheels - L81 x H26 x W50 cm<br>
<b>Weight:</b> Carry Cot - 4.4Kg; Seat Unit - 4.8Kg; Car Seat - 3Kg<br>
<b>Colour:</b> Black<br>
<b>Suitable from birth:</b> Yes <br>
<b>Category:</b> Travel System

<!--Included Accessories / What's included. Only change the RED text. To add a list item, make sure that the text has <li> and </li> tags before and after. <br> is not needed.-->
<tr><td><b> What's included: </b></td></tr>
<li>Chassis with Air Wheels</li>
<li>Pushchair Seat Unit with Footmuff</li>
<li>Car Seat</li>
<li>Changing Bag</li>
<li>Car Seat Adaptors</li>
<li>Mosquito net</li>
<li>Cup Holder</li>
<li>Wheel Covers</li>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:95%">

<!--Pre-order button. Change the RED code. Turn on/off mechanic. To hide, use "display:none" without quotes. To show, use "display:block" without quotes.-->
<tr><td style="width:100%; display:none"><img src="http://www.kidsstore.co.uk/_webedit/uploaded-files/All%20Files/addon%20graphics/preorderbutton.png" alt="buy baby prams online for the best price with uk delivery." align="right"></td></tr>
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