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<table border="0" cellpadding="2" style="width:100%">
<td style="width 50%;">
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<!--Price / RRP. Only change the RED part. If you want to remove RRP, simply delete the RED contents.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" style="width:60%">
<td style= "width:45%;text-align:left;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#ff0080">
<td style= "width:10%;text-align:left;font:20px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#ff0080">
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<td style= "width:10%;text-align:left;font:17px verdana,sans-serif;color:#999999">


<!--Do not change this. 48 hours delivery estimate.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" style="width:100%">
<td style= "width:100%;text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#000000; display:block">
<a href="http://www.kidsstore.co.uk/delivery-details/">Order by <font color="ff0000"> 3pm </font> to have this product dispatched today and receive it within <font color="ff0000"> 48 </font> hours.</td></a>
<td style= "width:100%;text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#000000; display:none">
<a href="http://www.kidsstore.co.uk/delivery-details/">This product is <font color="ff0000">Pre-Order</font> only. Estimated arrival date - <font color="ff0000"> Mid-February</font>.</td></a>

<!--Product description. Do not change.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:100%">
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product details</b>
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product features</b>
<tr><td style="width:60%;vertical-align:top;">
<!--Start from here. Only change the RED text. Use <br> to create break points/start new line. Font code needs open/close tags, eg <i>example text</i>. <i> - Italics, <b> - Bold, <u> - Underline. -->
<b>Name</b>: ABC Risus Car Seat<br>
<b>Brand</b>: Obaby<br>
Discover the world together with your baby - wherever you want to go, we ensure that your baby arrives safely. Easy to install and safe to travel, our car seats and travel systems have been especially designed to suit different ages and offer comfort and safety when travelling. Your baby can enjoy the journey in an ergonomic seat with optimal protection while you can concentrate on driving. What can be nicer than a carefree journey with your little one?<br><br>
Regardless of whether you are planning a long journey or a small tour, this seat is extremely versatile. And if you need to take the car for the rest of your journey, you can simply take the car seat with you. In just a few simple steps, this seat can be mounted to a Cobra, Mamba and Zoom pushchair with the use of adaptors to transform it into a practical travel system.<br><br>

<td style="width:40%;vertical-align:top;text-align:justified;"><ul>
<!--Product feature list. Only change the RED text. To add a list item, make sure that the text has <li> and </li> tags before and after. <br> is not needed.-->
<li>Includes adaptors to fit quickly and easily on to your Cobra, Mamba and Zoom tandem</li>
<li>Ergonomic seat with optimal protection</li>
<li>Padded integrated seat cushion</li>
<li>Padded harness shoulder pads</li>
<li>Removable sun canopy</li>
<li>Adjustable carry handle</li>
<li>Group 0+, suitable from birth to 13kgs (Approx 15 months)</li>
<li>Adjustable and easily removable harness</li>

<!--Product specification. Do not change.-->
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:650px">
<td style= "text-align:center;font:15px tahoma,sans-serif;color:#7d9ebf">
<b>Product specification</b>
<!--Start from here. Only change the RED text.-->
<tr><td> <b>Dimensions:</b><br>
<b>Weight:</b> 3.25<br>
<b>Colour:</b> Black<br>
<b>Suitable from birth:</b> Yes<br>
<b>Category:</b> Car Seat

<!--Included Accessories / What's included. Only change the RED text. To add a list item, make sure that the text has <li> and </li> tags before and after. <br> is not needed.-->
<tr><td><b> </b></td></tr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:95%">

<!--Pre-order button. Change the RED code. Turn on/off mechanic. To hide, use "none" without quotes. To show, use "block" without quotes.-->
<tr><td style="width:100%; display:none"><img src="http://www.kidsstore.co.uk/_webedit/uploaded-files/All%20Files/addon%20graphics/preorderbutton.png" alt="buy baby prams online for the best price with uk delivery." align="right"></td></tr>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" style="width:95%">

<!--Ignore this.-->
<!--Rendering options. display:none - On; display:none - Off.-->
<tr><td style="width:100%; display:none"><div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://www.kidsstore.co.uk/webshop/prams-buggies-car-seats/travel-systems/venicci-travel-systems/venicci-mini-denim-black-baby-pram-car-seat-travel-system-black-frame/" data-width="600" data-numposts="3" data-colorscheme="light"></div></td></tr>

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