


We have updated our commission information with some new examples and new options!

We recently took the leap and are now doing freelance full time. This means that commissions now make up a LARGE portion of our income. It also means they’ll be done LIGHTYEARS FASTER than they were before when we juggling two full time jobs. Anyone whose been following us has probably noticed the giant uptick in art that’s been posted (amazing what rest does for a person!)

Things we will do: PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING GOES Fanart, original characters, landscapes, creature design, fursonas, reference sheets, icons, Flight Rising. We are also open to adult content (ie SEXY TIEMS) so if anyone’s ever wanted some sexy Sterek NOW’S YOUR CHANCE :D

Things we won’t do: There is very little we wont do, but if you have any reservations please feel free to contact us first and we’ll let you know!

More examples of the different types and cost of extras (characters, backgrounds etc) can be found



Questions? Comments? Send us an Ask here on Tumblr or at kickingshoes@hotmail.com

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