
A blind Filipina has caught the attention of netizens after her video singing Mariah Carey’s hit went viral.

In the four-minute video posted by Jeff Alagar on Youtube on June 8, Katchry Jewel Golbin also known as Alienette Coldfire on Facebook can be seen effortlessly belting out Carey’s 1993 song “I’ll be there” inside a music store in a mall.

Alagar wrote in the caption: “Superb. Her name is Katchry Jewel Golbin also known as Alienette Coldfire on Facebook. We had to look twice as the video started because it was so good I thought she was lip syncing. But this is all genuine vocals coming from this little gem. Can you imagine if they put this girl in a professional studio to refine her vocal abilities and put her behind a good mic and record her voice like they do the pros?”

As of writing, Golbin, who is a native of Capiz, has over 2,500 followers on Facebook. Audio recordings of her song covers were also uploaded on her social media site account.

Carey’s Manila Concert a Success

Despite her vocal malfunction issues during the Japan leg of her “The Elusive Chanteuse Show” concert tour, the popular diva didn’t disappoint Filipino fans at the Mall of Asia Arena on Tuesday, Oct 28.

The ‘Songbird Supreme’ was able to hit all her notes right as she sang her famous hits like “Fantasy,” “Touch My Body”, “Shake It Off”, “Hero” and “Always Be My Baby” in front of the Filipino audience.

Moments after her show ended, the Grammy award winning-singer tweeted: “Mahal kita Manila!!!”

Watch Blind Pinay’s amazing rendition of Mariah Carey’s “I’ll be there”.

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