
Web design changes and morphs so quickly that it is almost impossible for us to stay on top of trends fast enough. One easy that can help is to visit popular web design forums to see what’s buzzing in the community.

Top 10 Sites to Ask All Your Programming Questions

Top 10 Sites to Ask All Your Programming Questions

When learning to code or develop software, websites or apps, we usually will get stuck with a problem…Read more

Forums are a great place to find out what’s new, what’s trendy and hot for today. Participating in forums discussions not only allow you to share your interest and first-hand tips, but to gain knowledge as well. It’s also a great place to look for design feedback, search for scripts and ask for possible solutions when facing technical difficulties.

Here are 20 web design and development forums to go to when you need some guidance from fellow designers and developers.

Designer Hangout

Designer Hangout is probably one of the most active community for UX designers on the web. It has over 5000 members and a quite strict vetting process as they expect high-quality discussions.

Launch Chat

#Launch consists of designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and marketers primarily working in the tech space. Its homepage boasts of members who are “Y-Combinator founders, Thiel Fellows, serial entrepreneurs, investors, and passionate makers”.


#frontendDevelopers is an awesome place to find new gigs. Apart from that, you can get feedback from like-minded developers, learn the latest trends and share ideas on this forum.

Digital Point

Digital Point is the largest webmaster community in the world with a huge forum. There you can find discussions on various topics, such as Search Engines, Business & Marketing, Design, Development and Buy, Sell or Trade.

Coffee Cup

CoffeeCup Software was started in a real coffee shop in 1996 with a simple HTML Editor. The forum is aimed to help web designers create better websites. You can search forum discussions with the search box or via the categories.

Team Sketch

Team Sketch was created specifically for Sketch designers. It is a self-help community for Sketch users. By joining the community, you can master your design skills and share ideas.

Webdeveloper.com Forum

Webdeveloper.com is a forum about general web development and programming. The site is separated into sections: client side development, server side development and site management.

The Web Design Forum (UK)

With over 39,000 post and 2000 users, this forum is one of the most popular ones. You can get feedback on your work, find tutorials, ask questions about web design, SEO, photography, tools, business, freelancing and much more.

Talk Graphics

Talk Graphics is a community for graphic designers and 3D artists. The registration process requires your date of birth, username and email address. They have a lot of information about Xara products.

Graphic Design Forum

GDF is one of the biggest and oldest graphic design forums around with over 20k members. The community is active, large and consists of a variety of general categories about web design, business, tools and more.

Stack Overflow

It’s one of the most popular developer’s community site with questions and answers. You develop reputation by answering questions and upvotes. Users with higher reputation can comment, vote and even edit comments of other people.


HOWDesign forum is an awesome place to showcase your work and get constructive feedback from other designers. Besides, there is an active business and freelance section where you can get answers on your questions and find a lot of useful tips.

Graphic Design Forums

Graphic Design Forums is a friendly community for designers of any kind and level. With over 18,000 users, the oldest message was posted back in 2008. Here you can share your ideas, ask questions and get answers.


Larachat is a Slack channel devoted to learning about Laravel, a PHP framework. Talk to some of the best minds in Laravel in this supportive community full of experienced Laravel pros ready to help.


Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, and JS framework for popular UI components and interactions. You can join their great community of over 7,000 members and learn the latest Bootstrap tips and trends.

Dear Designers

Dear Designers is a community devoted to helping you grow as a designer. This forum was made for new designers to ask questions and get help from the experts. While registration process, you need to answer a few questions.


Webdesignforums.net is a huge an old community for designers with over 55,000 members. You can find answers on your questions in the following categories Web Design, Design Software, Programming and Development, Web Marketing, Hosting and Server Setup there.

HTML Forums

HTML Forums is dedicated specifically to HTML and the logo says there are “electrifying discussions” there. Also, you can find information on traffic and links sale, domain names for sale, server administration and much more.

The SitePoint Forums

The SitePoint Forums is a great place to find answers on your questions about HTML, CSS, Marketing, JavaScript, PHP, .Net, Database, design and UX, hosting and more.


On Webdevforums forum you can get feedback about your website, find useful tutorials, ask questions about marketing and SEO. Use categories in the bottom of the page to navigate the website.

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