
This is a unique forum. I don't mean among boating forums or even sports-related forums, but most all I have experience with.

Sure, it's a great resource, with both owners and factory guys participating. OK, not just participating but investing real time researching stuff to help others. I can tell you we bought Key West in part because of these forums, but it's something so many before us and since have also said.

Most of all, it's just good people. The best evidence of this is in the disagreements, which there are many, and the way they are handled. It's as if the participants were sitting together at a table, not anything like typical forums (not mentioning any) where everyone puts on their Internet muscles and takes pride in the put down. Even a newbie idiot like me is treated like a forum old timer.

So, I'm an enabler. I'm going to tell you it's perfectly fine to camp on here all day clicking the "View Active Topics" link reading each new post and chiming in if you have something to say. Not that any of the rest of us do that.....

Statistics: Posted Posted by Swguy — Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:31 pm

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