
What were your small victories from last week? My small victories are adding up and some of them I cannot share right now but I will hold them until I can share. I would love to know your victories small and big.

Hello friends, time to celebrate our victories of the last week and cheer each other on at Small Victories Sunday Linkup. The linkup starts today and runs all week long so you can’t be late to the party on our blogs. We hope you can grab and share new great ideas to make your life happier, healthier and more fun. Be sure to visit and give some comment love to the bloggers in our Small Victories Sunday Linkup who hope they inspire you to read, eat, live, create and blog well. Let us know if it’s your first time here and welcome to our community!

A friendly reminder that our goal is to inspire others through positive posts, posts that are rude or offensive may be deleted from the linkup. Also, please keep content free of sexual themes. Thanks!

Stop by and say thanks to your extra special hosts who do their best to encourage our community and promote your posts!

Ways You Can Follow Your Hosts:

Echo from The Mad Mommy (family/parenting, humor)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +

Gail from Frugal & Coupon Crazy (saving money) | Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google +

Tanya from Mom’s Small Victories (books, food, chronic illness)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +

Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly (lifestyle, travel, entertainment) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Crystal from Sharing Life’s Moments (marriage, homeschooling, blogging tips | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Leigh from Living Young and Healthy | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +

Shannon from Daily Momtivity (parenting/kid-friendly fun/DIY) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google+

Kristine from A Life Well Red (chronic illness awareness & education, healthy living) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Google +

Danita from O Taste and See Blog (food) |Pinterest | Facebook | Twitter | Google +

Michelle from Divas with a Purpose (inspiration, lifestyle and entrepreneurship) | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Suzanna from One Hoolie Mama (family, recipes, fitness)| Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Featured Bloggers

Congratulations to this week’s Featured Bloggers as chosen by our readers. Here are the top 9 most read posts from last week’s linkup:

8 Vegetables You Should Always Buy Organic & Why from Carly on Purpose

How to Make a Mesh Pumpkin Wreath in 5 Easy Steps from Dazzled While Frazzled

Perfect Fall Snack Mix from Daily Momtivity

What I Do for Self Care from A Life Well Red

Peanut Butter Banana Bread from Tumbleweed Contessa

5 Quick Ways to Grow Your Blog from Your Bed from Sweetly Sparta

10 Instagram Story Tips You Need to Know from Girl XOXO

Apple Cider Pancakes from O Taste and See

Capturing Calm in Chaos from Ordinarily Extraordinary Mom

If you were a Featured Blogger, feel free to grab the button below and proudly display it on your blog!

Generate your button code

Now It’s Your Turn to Share Your Favorite Posts and Small Victories!

Generate your button code

* Follow your hosts.

* Grab the Small Victories Sunday button and place it in your sidebar, the post you are linking up or a linkup page

* Share up to 3 of your favorite blog posts you want to share. Enter your link below and let’s celebrate our small victories together! Please refrain from linking up posts with mature themes like erotica, new adult or offensive language.

* Please comment on 2 posts for every link you enter. This linkup only works if we support one another, your visits are crucial to encourage fellow participants as you want to be encouraged too.

* By linking up, you are giving the hosts permission to share your post and post images on their social media pages and our Featured Blogger collage.

* By linking up, you are giving the hosts permission to email you notifications when the linkup is open. Your email addresses are not shared and you can unsubscribe to emails at any time.

* Stop by our Small Victories Sunday Linkup Board on Pinterest and like and repin the posts to your boards.

* Spread the word! The more you share about the linky, the more visitors you will get to your content too. Please use the #SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup hashtag so we can find your posts and share them too!

An InLinkz Link-up

What were your small victories and best posts for this week? Tell us about your week and what you’re sharing with us! 

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