(NaturalNews) On television, a quack doctor compares seatbelt safety in cars to the safety of vaccines, as if vaccines have ever been tested for safety by the establishment or the vaccine industry; however, in the same interview, another doctor exposes the chemicals in vaccines and let’s you know that they’ve NEVER been tested for safety or verified as effective. There are many reasons for this, and you can learn quickly when a great whistleblower gets his “day in court” and the idiot box makes the mistake of broadcasting the truth. It doesn’t happen very often, but the mainstream media does have holes, and this was a really, really big one. On CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Dr. Jack Wolfson gives us the quick “low down” on toxic vaccines and how the whole industry has pulled the wool over the eyes of about 300,000,000 Americans for more than 50 years.
“What I am opposed to is that we are injecting chemicals into our children,” Dr. Wolfson said. “This is aluminum, mercury, sometimes aborted fetal proteins. There’s antibiotics in there.” Burnett retorts with some vaccine-industry, producer-scripted one-liners to help America deal with this whistleblowing doctor and tries to reassure Americans that they’re going to be okay (with their mercury and formaldehyde inoculation schedule).
The other doctor (an obvious quack and vaccine proponent) speaks in the CNN interview about longevity and the seriousness of measles, but measles is often a simple illness accompanied by a rash and a fever that usually just goes away, much like the chicken pox.
Controversy over vaccines is spreading — and for good reason!
In the Erin Burnett interview during the Disney Land measles outbreak hoax and propaganda-style scare, she tries to parallel aluminum in vaccines with aluminum hydroxide in antacid tablets. However, this is not being injected into muscle tissue with other carcinogenic chemicals, so this is an awful comparison. Plus, lead is found in many food items and even medicine, but nobody is going to inject lead into their veins and call it immunity, now are they? That certainly won’t save lives and preserve health, like the CDC claims injecting aluminum, mercury as thimerosal and deadly formaldehyde do. Here’s the CNN clip with Dr. Wolfson speaking. It’s hard to hear, probably because YouTube doesn’t want you watching it, and neither does MSM or the vaccine-industrial complex. They don’t let Wolfson speak though until five minutes into the interview. Check it out:
By the way, recently vaccinated children spread the measles by “shedding” the LIVE VIRUS they’ve just been injected with, so to even mention that unvaccinated children shouldn’t go to public schools during a measles outbreak is ridiculous fear-mongering spewed by a journalistic HACK on MSM in the name of a for-profit chemical industry.
Real and non-fraudulent studies have shown plenty of risks of getting vaccines, and just because the CDC says “they’re safe and effective” doesn’t refute those studies. We don’t put pesticides in vaccines, if you want to make that argument, even though pesticides show up in most processed foods. Go ahead, put some Roundup in a vaccine and tell us it’s safe and effective. Then have all of Congress prove it by getting their children “tested” first. It will never happen. Watch this important interview with Dr. Wolfson on an NBC station out of Phoenix:
Aluminum phosphate is in most vaccines, along with mercury and formaldehyde
Beware: Aluminum greatly increases the toxicity of mercury, so all caution about “minimum mercury tolerance” is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this. The Gardasil HPV vaccine, given ostensibly to try to protect against the human papillomavirus, is a vaccine manufactured by Merck and administered to children as young as nine years of age for a rare sexually transmitted disease. It contains polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, aluminum and a “denatured” (fragmented and weakened) form of the virus. Do you wonder why many girls go into anaphylactic shock after receiving the aluminum-laced HPV vaccine?
“We’re doing something that is totally foreign — totally unnatural to our children,” as Dr. Jack Wolfson explains on CNN. By the way, Dr. Wolfson is a board-certified cardiologist.
Health Ranger Mike Adams has inspected many foods in his Forensic Food Lab investigating vaccines, food products and even organic superfoods for heavy metal toxins, and his tests reveal alarming levels of toxins down to the parts per million and billion. You can find out more about the flu shot, superfoods, protein powders, cacao and even pet food. Here’s a start:
Good luck on your journey for clean food and clean medicine. Stay informed.
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Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/051673_vaccines_aluminum_antacids.html#ixzz3pPw7wEw4