
Samson – The Real Ironman from CCBC Media on Vimeo.

Topic: Samson: The Real Iron Man

Speaker: John Mark Caton

Text: Judges 13-16

Date: June 2, 2013


What was the pattern that the Israelite people had established in their relationship with God during the time of the Judges? How does this compare with the behavior of Samson?

What is a Nazarite vow? What was the purpose that Samson was supposed to fulfill and how does the Nazarite vow relate to this purpose?

Why did Samson’s father want Samson to not marry a Philistine?

Did Samson fulfill the role to which he was called? Why?

So What

What were the results of Samson being led by unchecked passion?

What are the results of an unbridled anger in a person’s life?

How does pride limit a person’s potential?

Now What

Are you chasing after something that is sweet, ignoring that it is embodied in something that is dead?

Samson made a riddle out of his sin? Are you taking pleasure in something that demonstrates you are not where God would have you?

Will you make a commitment to repent of your sin and commit serve God and him alone?


More sermons from John Mark Caton are availabe at CottonwoodCreek.org



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