
What is rheumatism and how to treat it?

Rheumatism is a disease which until recently was thought to affect only people in the third period of age. In those age group the bones and joints already eroded with age and this condition is expected. But this is definitely not true, because the age limit for rheumatic diseases has increasingly lowered. So today rheumatologists are often visited by young people and even children - which is worrying.

The people of the Mediterranean are much less likely to face rheumatic problems, resulting from the specialties of Mediterranean cuisine. With fish, olive oil, plenty of cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables, you can say goodbye to gout and inflamed joints.

In the text below learn how to recognize the first symptoms of rheumatism and how you can prevent these nasty problems.

The first symptoms of rheumatism are in the hands and feet

Problems with bones and joints of the hands and feet, often occur in the fairer sex. Almost one in two women and one in six men suffer from some form of this disease. The term rheumatism is referred to more than 200 bone and joint diseases of chronic character. Although unified by the same name, they all differ widely.

Characteristic symptoms of rheumatism are joint pain and limited mobility of the same. Sometimes swelling can occur, redness or blue skin, sensitive to touch and movement. However, a proper diagnosis can be established by a doctor - rheumatologist.

The symptoms of rheumatism include problems with muscles, tendons, joints and bones. They are almost always aggravated by changes in the weather, especially with the end of the year. Oscillation in atmospheric pressure, humidity and temperature can affect pain receptors. Then, bone and joint problems become much more pronounced in early September.

Although previously considered associates of the third age, rheumatic diseases are increasingly being diagnosed in younger population.

What are the most common rheumatic diseases?

Some rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, are a group of inflammatory autoimmune diseases. They occur in people who have a genetic predisposition for their formation.

Also, rheumatic disease occurs in those who are exposed to stressful situations. Susceptible are people who do not have enough vitamin D and calcium in the body. Their immune system attacks the body. This produces inflammation, followed by stiffness and affects rheumatoid pain. They are amplified during sleep, but occasionally calm after movement.

The inflammatory rheumatic disease and gout fall as the result of deposition of uric acid in the joints. It is caused by disturbances in metabolism. It is prevalent in middle-aged or elderly and can have a heavier impact. In this age of women often osteoporosis is present.

On the other hand, degenerative rheumatic diseases - such as arthritis - develops with age. Caused by the wear of the cartilage. Although rarely causing inflammation, accompanied by pain, stiffness and swelling of joints.

Some of the diseases in this group affect other organs. Approximately one in five patients to visit doctors in primary health care for rheumatic disorders. Two thirds of these patients are older than 65 years. In this age rheumatism in the arms, shoulders and wrists are not uncommon. It is most common spondylitis of the spine and peripheral joint of arthritis.

Is prevention of rheumatism (not) possible?

Rheumatism in toes and hands occurs in a growing number of people. For the occurrence of these diseases it cannot be influenced, their formation is destined in the genetic code. Yet we should not lose all hope in progress since problem can be slowed down.

Metabolic rheumatic diseases can be prevented by entering large amounts of vitamin D and calcium. For the prevention of degenerative forms of rheumatism key is moderate physical activity. It is very important to maintain optimum body weight. Ten kilos less means 50 percent less pain in the joints of the hips or knees.

Rheumatic pain in the joints can be tracked by swellings. If they last longer than a month then it almost certainly comes to rheumatism. It is very important to consult a doctor in time.

Insufficiently treated or improperly treated rheumatism leaves the most serious consequences in the first two years of the onset of symptoms. The goal of therapy is primarily to relieve inflammation and pain, and nutrition along the way can be obstacle and ally. It is possible for a complete cessation of symptoms, which allows patients complete normal life activity.

Nutrition of rheumatism is extremely important

On an issue of how to treat rheumatism, almost every doctor will give you a similar answer - Mediterranean diet. Of course that in itself is not enough, but it is the main prerequisite for the good condition of your joints and bones. Secret Mediterranean vitality is absorbing the attention of experts around the world for decades.

How a Mediterranean menu looks like?

About two-thirds of the ingredients on the menu consists of colourful fruits, vegetables and whole grains. It is especially recommended to eat fish - herring, mackerel, trout, tuna and salmon because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. They get in the way all the inflammatory processes. In addition, it aids in the prevention of cardiovascular. This food is also rich in vitamin D, which relieves the symptoms of arthritis and slows down wearing of cartilage.

Fish oil is used in case of morning stiffness, it is particularly suitable for persons who have been diagnosed with rheumatism in their hands. However, it should not be consumed before a consultation with your doctor, because it hinders the operation of certain drugs, such as those against hypertension.

Olive oil is a natural remedy for rheumatism

In the preparation of meals it is obligatory to use extra virgin olive oil. Without it, the Mediterranean diet cannot be even imagined.

It reduces inflammation and is much healthier than others, especially refined oils, such as sunflower oil. The industrial processed oils are full of omega-6 fatty acids. They can encourage inflammation in the body and trigger obesity.

You should also pay attention to food preparation methods. The rheumatism in children and adolescents is usually associated with improper diet.

Specialties from the grill, or fried at high temperatures are not recommended because it increases the level of AGE substances in the blood. Still it has not been scientifically proven that they worsen the symptoms of rheumatism. However, their concentration is increased in the blood of people whose body fights off frequent infections.

Why are cereals important in the diet?

Whole grains especially oats, buckwheat and brown rice - are particularly effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. If you regularly consume them it significantly reduces protein levels of CRH, which is considered a marker of inflammation in the body.

Among the most important components of whole grains orders are selenium, a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory effect, and it covers the fish and the sunflower seeds. If you have been diagnosed with rheumatism in the feet you should consume it every day.

However, you should be cautious with wheat and its flour because they are rich in gluten. The latest research indicates that 41 percent recovered after the ejection of these foods. Their health condition improved in the short term, especially in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. When tests confirmed that a large portion of rheumatic patients is simultaneously intolerant to gluten.

Eat beans and lentils

Proteins are necessary for us for the normal functioning of the body. When it comes to rheumatism, nutritionists have agreed: meat proteins should be replaced by the ones of plant origin. Therefore, be sure to include beans, lentils and chickpeas in your daily menu.

Besides being rich in protein, these foods are rich in alpha-linoleic acid. It is one of the most powerful omega-3 fatty acids, which effectively holds back inflammation.

However, keep in mind that there is no universal menu for sufferers of rheumatism. Foods which in some people cause relief in others cause worse symptoms, they can be eaten without consequences. It is best to do to keep a food diary. You best keep track of changes in health status in accordance with what you eat.

Rheumatism and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

Nutrition of rheumatism must be varied. As an ideal food turned out to be a pineapple. It reduces inflammation, and pain, especially in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. The secret to it is in bromelain, substances with anti-inflammatory effect. Also, it is rich in magnesium, which is, in addition to calcium, the most important minerals for healthy and strong bones.

Besides pineapple you should eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Fibres of these foods can alleviate the inflammation and just like whole grains, reduce CRP levels of protein in the blood. Especially recommended are sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables and red berries, especially cherries, raspberries and blueberries.

Beneficial are grapes as well, which, thanks to resveratrol prevent damage to the cartilage, and in particular help because in case of back pain. Otherwise, fruits and vegetables are due to vitamin C excellent allies in the fight against stress. It can be a trigger for the disease such as rheumatism.

Honey against arthritis

Gourmets will be delighted by the news that honey is on the list of foods desirable for rheumatic patients. It is considered the best natural remedy for rheumatism and arthritis. For centuries, it is used in combination with apple vinegar to alleviate inflammation and pain.

So feel free to add it treats (or you can make them exclusively from whole-wheat flour). The stronger the effect will be achieved if you combine with cinnamon, and nuts. Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids they have anti-inflammatory effect. Also, if you mix honey and garlic, you can get a natural remedy for pain and inflammation.

Healthy spices relieve rheumatic pains

Instead of salt and industrial spice mixtures, use herbs. Especially recommended is turmeric, alone or as an ingredient in Indian curry mixture. This plant, in ancient India is known as the golden goddess. It not only relieves inflammation and pain but in the case of rheumatic diseases, while increasing joint mobility. It is particularly effective in degenerative diseases such as arthritis.

If you suffer from rheumatism in the hands or feet include ginger in your diet. Its root is also valuable in the fight against inflammation.

At the end of cooking dishes be sure to add fresh parsley (in preparation of treats use cinnamon). Prepare dishes with the addition of garlic and onions, which are also known as fighters against inflammation. Garlic relieves inflammation due to allicin, while onion is efficient thanks to quercetin.

Avoid red meat

Consumption of red meat and parts of the meat such as liver and kidneys should be minimized. It can trigger inflammation in the body, and consequently cause rheumatic disease.

In fact, people should significantly reduce the intake of animal protein. They can aggravate symptoms of certain rheumatic diseases, such as gout. Daily you should not eat more than 100 grams of meat, and the best is poultry without skin. It is rich in sulphur, which helps absorption of calcium and promotes cartilage regeneration.

It can also be found in sesame seeds. Otherwise, the deposition of uric acid, which causes gout attacks, is expressed in the colder days. The mechanisms of action of weather conditions on rheumatic diseases are still not fully known.

How to treat rheumatism naturally

Rheumatism can be very tricky and quite long treated. However, the experts constantly point out the importance of diet in the prevention of rheumatism, but also during treatment.

Chickpeas with spinach


1 tablespoon of olive oil

4 minced garlic cloves,

1 teaspoon of cumin seeds,

1 teaspoon of smoked paprika

2 cups of cooked chickpeas,

8 cups of fresh spinach leaves,

1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt,

a little black pepper.

Preparing the recipe:

After you heat the olive oil over low heat, add the garlic, cumin and paprika. Stir for two minutes. Then in the pan insert chickpeas and spinach, stirring occasionally, simmer until spinach is done. Season with Himalayan salt and pepper to taste.

Brussels sprouts with walnuts


1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar,

A spoon of sugar cane,

450 g of halved head broccoli,

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1/2 teaspoon of sea salt

3/4 cup of toasted walnuts,

a little black pepper.

How to prepare Brussels sprouts with walnuts:

Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Meanwhile, mix the vinegar and sugar to get the balsamic syrup. Stir over low heat warm up to boiling. Pour broccoli with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Then over it sprinkle toasted walnuts, and then the balsamic syrup. Serve warm. With such delicious specialties, rheumatism has no chance.

Muffins with banana and walnuts


A cup of whole-wheat flour,

1/3 cup of sugar from sugar cane,

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder,

2/3 cup of chopped walnuts,

1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt,

2 chopped bananas,

1/4 cup of almond milk,

1 scrambled egg.

Preparation: Preheat oven to 175 ° C. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, walnuts and Himalayan salt. In a separate bowl mash bananas with a fork and add scrambled eggs and almond milk. Combine this mixture with the dry ingredients. All mix well, pour into the mould of muffins and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Nettle and spinach soup against rheumatic diseases

Necessary ingredients:

170 g of nettle leaves,

110 g of fresh leaf spinach,

2 tablespoons of olive oil,

two chopped chives,

two cups of water,

2 cups of skimed milk

3 tablespoons of whole-wheat flour,

ground white pepper

a little ground nutmeg,

Himalayan salt and yogurt.

Preparing soup with nettle

In the olive oil fry shallots until tender and brownish in colour. Add water, nettle and spinach and warm up to boiling. Then cook until the plant is completely soft. Mix in a blender. Meanwhile, mix milk and flour and pour into pan. Cook for a few minutes, season with salt, white pepper and nutmeg. Before serving in each dish pour with a little yogurt.

Lens and tomato soup


2 tablespoons of olive oil,

1 chopped onion,

2 carrots,

2 cloves of garlic

A teaspoon of minced ginger root,

2 tsp. of ground cumin seeds

2 tsp. of ground coriander

1 cup of red lentil,

10 peeled and chopped tomatoes,

6 cups of vegetable broth,

1.5 tsp. Himalayan salt,

1/2 teaspoon of black pepper,

Greek yogurt.

Preparing the recipe:

Finely chop the garlic and let sit for at least a five to ten minutes. Heat the olive oil over medium heat and sauté onion for about three minutes. Pour the broth, lentils, tomato, carrot, ginger, cumin, coriander, pepper and salt to taste. When it boils, cover and simmer for about 25 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another five minutes. Blend soup in a blender, and a serve in each dish with a little Greek yogurt.

Trout with arugula relieves rheumatism

When it comes to rheumatism in children and adults, a diet rich in fish is essential. In particular, the city has a trout that is very rich in healthy omega-3 fats.


1 trout,

1.5 a tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice,

2.5 tablespoon of olive oil

3 cups of arugula leaves,

2/3 cups of halved cherry tomatoes,

1/4 cup of onion,

1 tablespoon of wine vinegar,

Little Himalayan salt and black pepper.


Mix lemon juice, 1.5 tablespoon of olive oil, a little Himalayan salt and black pepper. In a bowl and insert trout and leave it to stand for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, mix the arugula, cherry tomatoes and onion. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle on one tablespoon of olive oil and wine vinegar. Stir well. Wrap the trout in foil and bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for about half an hour. Serve with the prepared salad.

Quinoa with blueberries and honey


A cup of water

1/2 cup of quinoa,

1/2 cup of fresh blueberries,

1/2 cup of dried cherries,

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract,

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon

A tablespoon of honey.


In a saucepan with water, pour the quinoa, cherry and vanilla extract. On medium heat warm up to boiling. Cover and cook until the quinoa is tender and has absorbed all the water. Serve sprinkled with blueberries, honey and cinnamon.

Make smoothie with pineapple and green tea


2 cups of chopped pineapple,

1 cup of green tea,

1 tablespoon of honey

a piece of ginger root,

1 cup of crushed ice.

How to prepare the smoothie:

All these ingredients are poured into a blender and mixed. Drink immediately.

Potatoes with rosemary


600g of peeled and halved potatoes,

2 tablespoons of chopped rosemary,

3 crushed garlic cloves,

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1/2 teaspoon of onion powder

1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt,

1/4 teaspoon of black pepper.

How to prepare potatoes with rosemary:

Preheat oven to 260 ° C. In a large bowl, combine potatoes and other ingredients. Place in a baking pan and bake for about 25 minutes.

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