

Prostate cancer is most common in older age, very rarely in forty five years of age, and it is believed that improper diet and genetic predisposition are major risk factors for developing the disease. It belongs to the second most common malignancy that affects the male population, and if it is detected early prostate cancer is completely curable.

That is why regular check-ups in the latter age a healthy diet are the best prevention. Besides official treatment of assistance can be various preparations of medicinal herbs, which will be discussed in this article.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In the early stages, prostate cancer symptoms almost never occur. This applies equally for both benign and malignant form of the disease. The first signs of the disease appeared only after the tumour has significantly increased and begins to exert pressure through the urethra to the prostate. Then, with the patient reports frequent urination, particularly nocturia, pain when urinating, frequent blood in the urine, painful ejaculation, impotence, pain in lower back, gout, pain in the penis and fever.

Prostate cancer in most cases is formed in the outer part of the male sex glands, and it is assumed that it is preceded by bacterial prostatitis and some viral infections (herpes virus, human papilloma virus, and cytomegalovirus).

In case of these symptoms and signs of disease, you should see a urologist, to timely perform all the necessary tests and to proceed with an adequate treatment. It is very important for the outcome of the treatment.

Namely in the world the situation is not so good, primarily because of the mentality of the male population, where a physician in most cases is visited only when the symptoms are fierce, strong pain. This is not the case only in prostate cancer, but this situation is more or less in all cases. It is high time that the awareness of personal health, and healthy eating.


Treatment for prostate cancer depends mostly on the stage of disease and the age of the patient. One procedure applied radical prostatectomy in which the whole gland part of the urethra (urethral) is removed surgically and thereafter the patient resumes radiotherapy (radiation therapy), and hormonal therapy (which is a standard procedure).

Prostate cancer is one of the malignant tumours which is the second most common in male population. If symptoms of prostate cancer are detected in time, in the earlier stages of the disease, the effectiveness of cure is very high, up to 98 percent. Therefore, the most important is prevention and regular control by a urologist, after fifty years of life. Under "regularly" it is deemed to be necessary at least once a year to do a digital rectal examination of the prostate, where the value of PSA (prostate spec.antigena) in blood is determined. In this way each problem is much more efficiently solved - enlarged prostate, prostatitis and even malignant tumour.

Prostate cancer bone metastases - in the advanced stages of the disease, bone metastases are the most common and in the area of pelvis and vertebrae, and sometimes liver and lungs are affected and in the most severe complications the central nervous system is affected. The values ​​and PSA findings, so far are only a test for prostate cancer, it has a lot of pretty big drawbacks: higher values ​​may, but need not, indicate prostate cancer, if it exists, it is not certain that the tumour will grow and spread, a further examination of biopsy may or may not cause complications.

The latest non-invasive method - PSI prostate health index - should replace the PSA test or be applied after it (if the results are problematic). PSI test is used to check protein markers in the blood, which allow for more precise diagnosis and reduce the need for performing a biopsy by 31%.


Nutritionists advise all people who have certain prostate problems to avoid fatty meat, dairy products with a high percentage of fat and especially all fried meals. This is not good preventive for prostate cancer, but also for all other malignant, or chronic diseases. With this group of foods all industrial food should also be avoided. Also it is important to limit the daily amount of meat (chicken or fish) on portions of a maximum of 100 grams per meal. Be sure to prepare meat with steam.

The main guidelines for food is for it to be diverse as possible and to use vegetables and freshly squeezed juices. This big shift in diet to a healthy plant foods, may initially lead to a decline in hormones in the body and reduce load on the kidney. Therefore, it is explainable that prostate cancer rarely occurs in regions where more food of vegetables are consumed.

Experts stress the importance of the introduction of natural zinc through their diet because it was found that in men with diseased prostate there is a deficit of this mineral. It is therefore advisable to have more frequent consumption of raw pumpkin seeds, sprouted wheat, peas and nuts. In addition, it is necessary to limit the amount of salt and spicy food and alcohol preferably should be completely removed.

Prostate cancer alternative treatment

Beneficial clay as a remedy for prostate

Clay contains optimal proportion of mineral salts and trace elements that are necessary for human body, in that it absorbs harmful compounds and promotes expulsion of the same, while stimulating the secretion of pathogens, cleaning the body at all levels. In the case of prostatitis mix clay (can be bought at any pharmacy or health food store) with warm water to form a slurry which is then put on cloth that is applied on to the painful place and fastened with a bandage.

The cloth should be applied until the clay dries and becomes warm, and, in this case it is necessary to change the new layer. In the event that it comes to chronic prostatitis, with external applications of clay, patients are recommended to drink a solution of clay for three weeks (21 days). The infusion is prepared when clay is dissolved in a glass of water and drink once a day for a week. The second week dose of clay is reduced to half a spoon and the third week take a spoonful.

Spurge - the best natural remedy for prostate cancer

This is a great natural cure for all diseases of the prostate, even prostate cancer. It relieves burning sensation and accelerates recovery after surgical intervention. A spoon of spurge is added to a cup of boiling water and allowed to sit in it for 5 minutes. Spurge tea is drunk twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening half an hour before dinner.

Pumpkin seeds against cancer

Thanks to the carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, pumpkin seeds revealed to be an excellent therapy for diseased prostate and even prostate cancer.

A pound of cleaned pumpkin seeds (roasted) with green membrane is grind and mixed with 200 grams of honey. From the mixture balls that have a diameter of 1 to 1.5 cm. A dozen balls put in a jar and keep at a room temperature, and keep the rest in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Application method: once a day, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal, suck a ball. This is very strong, but is not recommended more often than once a year.

Also, eat on an empty stomach 30 peeled pumpkin seeds, until improvement of symptoms. Extract of minced pumpkin seeds: pour 10-20 grams of seeds with a cup of boiling water, let it sit for 30-40 minutes and drink one third of a half cup 3-5 times a day before meals.


Today it is entirely possible to live with prostate cancer, if cancer has not metastasized and affected other organs. The therapy recommended by official medicine is surgery -radical prostatectomy yields good results in practice, when combined with hormonal therapy, and if it is insufficient, chemotherapy is added.

Survival of prostate cancer is high, except in cases where lymph nodes and other organs are affected. If malignancy is very high (Gleason score above the value 8) then the chances for cure and recovery are very weak.

Note: All preparations based on medicinal herbs can help, but not cure prostate cancer. Before any consumption of teas and other preparations, it is essential to inform your doctor. The combination of a healthy and proper nutrition, herbs and plants, regular check-ups with the urologist are the best protection and prevention for diseases of the prostate.

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